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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hi- I'm so sorry it's been several months since I've written anything. I'm a horrible blogger of you haven't noticed yet.  I keep telling myself remember to blog everyday or at least once a week but I usually forget.   So. Here's what's been going on..
I had stopped working out since I had my surgery in April 2014. I thought I was doing ok health wise and keeping up with my busy family.  But the scale kept raising.   Let's face it- I'm short. I'm 5" tall and even packing on 5 lbs, you can tell-
But I seemed to have not let it bother me.     In June, I got a KILLER migraine headache.  I'm not stranger to migraines. I use to get them all the time but it's been s good long while.
I was in bed for three days .  I was throwing up, dizzy and just plain miserable.
The doc had put me in some sort of steroid to take for ten days.
I started taking it and realized quickly that I was dropping weight.  I'll be honest. It freaked me out.
I finished my ten days and realized I had dropped about 7-10 lbs.   I had blood test done because I was terrified something else was wrong. ( is NOT good for peoe to all).   Turns out. My sugar was a bit high but other than that I was ok.  The doc said the steroids usually make you hungry and you gain weight and I should be happy that I was eating and loosing.

So. I decided to take advantage of it and start back to the gym.
Wow.  In completely dedicated to the gym now and get frustrated if I have to miss more than a day or so.  Working out makese feel good all over.  I'm not down officially 13 lbs I believe and have lost 5" total between my waist and hips.    I weight now what I weighed about 12 years ago.  I still have about 7 more lbs to go but I'm not stressing because I feel like I look good.  If I don't lose those 7 lbs it will be fine- Why?  Because I'm working out and eating better and overall I'm the healthiest I've been inkre than a decade.

I did however decide after tons of research to do a cleanse.  It's called SkinnyMint TeaTox.

I chose the 28 day teatox. I love tea. And this is all kinds of herbal tea mixed together. You drinking the morning Boost everyday and the nighttime cleanse every other night.

I'm in day 4.  Here is how I've done dso far

Day 1: morning boost. Was delicious.  I felt a tiny bit more energized but not asucb as I do when I drink my
Morning coffee.
Day 1 nighttime cleanse:  It had a good taste.
I didn't have Nytbingbappen at all that night but around 1 am I had to pee.
Then again around 3.   Then around 5 my belly has some light has like cramps.
I finally went and had a BM around 5:30 AM.  (I usually get up around this time so no biggie). The. Had 3 more within the hour.   It was not a RUN to the bathroom thing either.

Day 2: Morning Boost. / delicious. Ate a light breakfast and got my three kids off to school and went to workout. NO more BMs

No nighttime cleanse tonight since it's every other night.

Day3: MB- this time after letting it steep I put ice in it and drank it cold. A little different but still delicious.   got up. Are breakfast.  It was Saturday so I slept in till around 9

5:45 pm. Ate dinner and drank the night cleanse.
Slept all night. Woke up around 5 am to Pee

Went back to sleep till around 8-830. When I woke up the urge to have a BM hit me.
I had three this day.    It's day 4 and  down 2 lbs.

No night cleanse for me tonight since it's every other night.  But I'm excited to see how the rest of the 28 days go- I already feel better and my tummy it's slimmer/less Bloat.   #skinnymintcom #daretobegorgeous

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