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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

It takes real talent.

You've seen those posts on various social media sites that start off "It takes talent to fall UP the stairs...." and etc.
Well friends, I have some real talent... I can fall up the stairs, trip over nothing, choke on air and manage to get hurt in the funniest of ways.

For example.. I'm not sure HOW I did it..but I was getting into my Jeep one day...and I'm all of five feet tall, so I always have to stand on the runners to get into it.. I managed to half knock my head off on the roll bar of my Jeep. *Yep...That Is Talent right there.

Then I can't forget to mention that one fun family vacation was spent during the Fourth of July on the beach.  We were watching fireworks and started walking back to our condo, when I turned to look at this huge firework that was lighting up the sky, only to face-plant into the sand.. Nothing caught me either. I didn't have time to react.. I was upright, and the next second I was face-down in the sand.  My husband and kids, who are use to me having all this talent just kept right on walking as if I didn't even fall. (but they were laughing.. I saw them when I managed to get my head out of the sand enough).  Meanwhile I start laughing so hard that I couldn't even stand up.  Some random young man came over and asked  "Ma'am are you OK?" with this really concerned look on his face... I was so embarrassed and laughing so hard that all I could do was shake my head.

Now lets fast forward to just the other day.....
My youngest daughter wanted some wrapping paper to wrap up her best friends birthday present.  So, being the good mom that I am, I go into my closet to get it.  I notice its on the top shelf but I didn't want to walk to the garage and bring in the ladder.  So I study the shelving that we have (I know..bad bad bad bad bad idea).  The shelving isn't those wire shelves, instead these are wooden shelves.
So I step on the bottom shelf so help me reach the top shelf a little better, and my foot slips. *Of course it did*  I feel myself falling as I grab for the wrapping paper. (Hey, at least I got the wrapping paper) and I crash down to the ground right on my bottom. (Its tile floor and dang did that hurt). meanwhile as soon as I'm hitting the ground, I see a suitcase that was on the top shelf fall...and it falls right on my head!
(You can laugh now.. I did).. Well I laughed until I realized that I was stuck and couldn't get up! My entire left side of my body felt like I had been hit by a truck.. So I'm half laughing/half crying and trying to yell for one of my kids to see if they can hear me. (They couldn't)...
Finally about six minutes later, my youngest comes running into the room wanting to know what was taking so long for the wrapping paper.... (hey, at least she came and realized mommy was slightly hurt.  

But in all honestly though, its more embarrassing or humiliating than anything else. I thank the Good Lord that I didn't get injured more than I did. My wrist felt a little sore/sprained for a few days, but now its all better.

What are some things you have an weird talent for?  I actually joke around and tell people that I just do random gravity checks.  
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