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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I did it!

I finished a dress that I started for my almost 6 year old daughter. I really want to go back and add some pleats if I get a moment today, but as soon as I do, I'll post some pictures. Its really cute.

As soon as I learn more about embroidery and appliques, I'll be adding some of those as well. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

What I'm trying to do this week.!!

I've taken up sewing! I'm very excited about this. For an hour, every day this week (or night this week) I am going to work on sewing things. I've already made two pillowcase dresses, my next project is either going to be two more pillowcase dresses, or pillowcase shirts with ruffle pants (If I can pull it off, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do for the ruffle parts now, without spending much more money on fabrics and such).

Then I plan to make some cute baby blue jean skirts!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I want to..

I want to learn to sew! I keep seeing these cute little outfits that all these kids are wearing and when I ask where the parents are buying these at, I keep getting replies such as “My grandma made it” “My friend makes them” “My sister does it” etc etc etc.

The latest was when a classmate of my daughters mom friend-ed me on a social networking site. I saw all these cute little things. We've spoken several times before and I had no idea that she even did this, but the designs were so unbelievably cute!
My sis in law is always buying cute stuff for her kids! I'm not looking to sell these types of things but I'd love to make them for my own kids!

I've sewn before but I always gave up to quickly, but I think with a little persistence and perseverance I could manage to do a good job!

I'd love to make some pillowcase dresses! Those are so cute! And even make some of the cute little pants with the ruffles at the bottom. I've checked online and these are always so expensive! I have no idea why.. I'm guessing from the labor involved because the fabric isn't all that costly.

Anyway, this week started the first week of soccer for my older two! I think they are both naturals!
Of course, I'm a little biased!

As I stated before, I bought the book.. “The Mission of Motherhood” \

and it came in yesterday. I started reading it and its very good. Its one of those books that really makes you think a lot about your life as a mother/wife. Its based on God's design for Mothers, per say but its in a way where anyone could understand it. It has really made me start thinking about all the things I DO NOT get around to doing with my children that I should.. For ex.. Having the patience to play board games, letting them help out in the kitchen.. I guess because I am such a “Doer” that I've never really let anyone help me. I think I can do it all on my own, but in the end, if I never let them help me, because of fear of making a mess or taking to long, or messing up, then how are they ever going to learn anything.

I've learned at lot and I've also learned recently (not from the book) that I'm doing too much for my children. Instead of them doing their choirs, I usually end up doing them for them after a few days because they do not do it up to my standards. Which is so wrong, because when I think about it. My standards for things such as cleaning and etc, are not very high at all.

I grew up in a house, where my mom continually cleaned. I have NO IDEA how she had the time do to all that stuff and raise three children. Our house was spotless...and I'm talking white glove approval. I remember on days where I stayed home from school because I was sick, she never sat down for more than a few minutes at a time over the course of an entire day. She was always busy.. Even now, she keeps herself busy.. I wish so much that I was like my mom. Our house was never “dirty”.. I don't; mean dirty like dirt marks and stuff over the house.. when I say dirty, I guess I mean....Cluttered. Everything has a place, Everything was dusted, Kitchens were clean, Counter tops were cleaned off, bathrooms were spotless and even SMELLED nice. Bedrooms (with the exception of mine, unless she cleaned it) were spotless.

I remember thinking when I was little that when I became a married woman that my room would automatically be clean. Boy was I wrong! I'm sure I have time throughout the day, but I guess I've developed an attitude that I'd much rather LIVE than clean all day. My house has a “Lived in” look.
Its kind of funny. My house by no means is “Messy”. But its lived in.. I guess one day I might get my act together and be more like my mom and start cleaning.. Cleaning everyday, a little bit each day.
I might even start today! :)
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