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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Our journey to Gluten/Dairy Free..........and why!

This might be a long post...
A year ago, our daughter  (now four) had a crazy reaction when she was eating our All time favorite food (Pizza).  Her face got red and swelled up. She had to put ice packs on it to make it quit burning.  Thankfully, it didn't cause her breathing to mess up in any way, but it was enough to scare the living daylights out of all of us. (Especially her brother and sister).

We ended up going to the doc, who send us to an allergist, who did all the necessary testing, and came up with EVERYTHING negative.
At the time, they told us they thought it was probably just a freak incident, where the wheat or yeast used could have been rancid or something like that.

Her pediatrician ended up giving us an EpiPen to keep on us JUST in case it happens again. Especially since we had so many question, and NO answers..

Off and On over the past year, her face would get this red angry looking rash when she would eat certain foods.....  Sometimes it would get puffy and a little swollen and then there were times where she would run to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face, or put icepacks to her face to cool it down.

So much benadryl has been given to her to calm down her reactions.  Then of course, we found all about Essential Oils, so we used a Allergy trio type blend to help as well. 

November 2014, She was in a Play through our Churches homeschool co-op. One of the characters was using Wheat in the play, and it was on the floor.  
Alba was playing on the floor with another little girl and rolled all around in it and within minutes, her entire face and arms had a red angry rash.

Two days before Christmas 2014, she got the Flu.  She is already Allergic to EVERY antibiotic you can take, but since none of THOSE are actually in the tamiflu, we decided to try it.   After only two doses, crippling pain, and a high fever of 105.5 we were in the ER where we realized she was having an adverse reaction to the medicine and told to stop it completely.  
So here we are back at home, with a very sick little girl and im looking up EVERY essential oil remedy I can find to help her feel better.
A friend sends us an oil that I didnt have and we used it, along with a few others and within 24 hours she was basically symptom free, except for a FEVER and no appetite (no appetite for a whole week!! Seriously).

From that moment on, every single thing she ate, caused a reaction in her body. Rashes, puffiness..etc.) 

Finally in January 2015 her doc decided to send us to another allergist/immunologist to see what in the world is causing all of these.. In February we had our appointment.

Turns out, sometimes when you get a viral infection, such as the FLU, your body can go into a hyper sensitive mode and anything that enters is, your body has a reaction too. This is why sometimes allergies are more noticeable during this time.

We find out she is allergic to cats and dogs..But that she also has a very high intolerance to GLUTEN/ Dairy, and MOST Spices.

So..let the adventure of Gluten Free/Dairy free and a lot of Spices free lifestyle being for my crazy, very picky four year old..... When I say Picky.. I mean it....

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