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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another day.

Is it bad that I am SO READY for school to start back?  I mean, I absolutely LOVE having my son home all summer long, but this year, my daughter starts school as well.  Which means, We'll only have ONE little one at home!  I konw that sounds wierd, because the past year and a half, my oldest daughter has been home, but she was already in her Miss Independent, Sassy, Diva girl ways. 
We;ve never just had "ONE KID" at home, in many ways.  Our middle daughter was born when our son was only 15 months old, so they've always been much like twins! Doing everything together..and I mean everything from fighting to loving to playing tricks on mommy and daddy to having the same friends!  This year, our daughter gets to actually make HER OWN FRIENDS!
I think what I love most about the school year is its scheduled! Structured! and we are in a set Routine!  We wake up the same time everyday. Get dressed, eat breakfast, and head to school. 
During the summer, as much as I love getting to sleep in, it just means the rest of the day is filled with screams and fighting from the older two.
Im so looking forward to a few minutes of peace!   Even with having an almost three month old.
I have so many things Im looking forward to doing..   Finally doing a few scrapbooks (I AM SO FAR BEHIND)...actually getting a decent workout in.. It currently takes me about an hour and a half for a 30 minute workout.
My biggest thing is..Which workout.. P90x, Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, or just running for now.  I love love love love love the wii fit! Its the best, but it doenst seem to burn as many calories as I like, although I am up to six minutes of hula hooping!  :)  (Its the little things, isnt it!)  Of course, the six minutes of hula hooping isnt going to burn off the delicious slice of cheese cake and the huge meal from Steak-Out that I had earlier! Ha!

I guess, I can be happy that I've down to less than what I was prior to getting pregnant with Sweet baby #3.
But I really need to tone up! :) ALOT!

Till next time....Tell your family that you love them! Especially your kids! Don't let them go to bed, thinking that you are mad at them!  Cherish them while they are young! Cherish them no matter how hard it is!
God Bless!

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