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Friday, July 30, 2010

Life......Love....and Happiness.

A couple days ago, my husband and I celebrated being married for eight years!  That might not sound like a lot of years for some people, but we've done a LOT in these past eight years.  We've had three children, moved quite a few times, had a few different cars and overcame a LOT of things. I can truly say that I am one of the luckiest women in the entire world. I've not only married my soul-mate, but he's also my best friend in the entire world.  The Love of my life!  
The other day on the radio, the song "Un-answered Prayers" came on.  It occurred to me, that its not that GOD doesnt  answer some prayers, its just that he may not answer them the way that YOU want him to.  We have to remember that GOD sees the big picture, and we only see a few feet ahead..and to be 100% honest with you.... I am so THANKFUL that God sees the big picture! 
School starts in a little over a week, and I can't believe that my kids are as old as they are now.  They really do grow up fast...Then the youngest, she's just a little cutiepie.... Its amazing to be able to see a baby grow day by day.. With the first two, I think I rushed it. I kept thinking "I can't wait till....." blah blah blah.
With this one... I cherish it. I don't get frustrated at her cries, I don't really tire of holding her. Although, I think my husband holds her more than me.  I dont like to let her cry. I know all about Cry it Out and all that good stuff, but really, she doesnt cry much at all. When she's got a bellyache or hungry is really the only time she is fussy...
She's almost 11 weeks now and she's starting to teeth already.. I can't believe she's got a little tooth that looks like shes about to cut..Poor thing!! I've never seen a baby so young get a tooth before...
Well thats the past few days in a nutshell!!  GOD BLESS!

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