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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Some very Exciting News!!!

Steph's Designs (My Business)  had the opportunity to work with
Green Tree Photography and Bohemian Lily Photography
We did a fantastic photo shoot with a tea party included.
The tea set was mine when I was a little girl!
It added a nice little vintage appeal to the shoot (my opinion).
The dresses were designed and made by me (Steph's Designs).

Jan of Green Tree and Stacy of Bohemian Lily were FANTASTIC with the girls.
They were both so full of energy and patience and it was a FANTASTIC experience!
The girls had non stop energy, so it was good that both Jan and Stacy were so great with them.
I can not say enough good things about the photographers!
They are just excellent all around.

These pictures were just some snaps taken with my cell phone, so the actual pictures will be MUCH better..
but if My little cell phone took these, can you imagine what the photographers captured!!!
Please go to their facebook fan pages and "LIKE" them right now!!!!
I'll be adding more great info as soon as I can!!!

Green Tree
Bohemian Lily
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ok, so here is a Final Edited Picture! (One of them..just a little Sneak Peak as Green Tree and Bohemian Lily's fabulous work.

Please go over to to check out all the other great pictures! I think they turned out pretty amazing.


Monday, March 7, 2011

I put coconut oil in my coffee.

Today I put coconut oil in my coffee. I put one tablespoon in my Coffee.
Not before you say "Ewwww. Gross!!!!!!" 
It was REALLY good!
The coffee tasted really creamy and I really enjoyed it.

Now, I normally have coffee about once a week or so.   I use to drink it every single day, but have cut back a lot.

I have no idea if it was the Coconut Oil or not, but I have had SO MUCH energy today that I have not wanted to sit down much at all.
I'm forcing my self to sit still and write this blog right now.
Everytime while cleaning that I even thought about sitting down, I just didnt want to.
So, Happily my kitchen for the most part is clean,
The clothes are folded, and/or hung and put away.

Also, I am really happy right now that the last can of Lysol that I bought was scented, because
It has been used quite a bit today as I have a sick one (*tummy virus*) home from school today.

So far, I still have a lot of energy left, and it doesn't feel like its letting up anytime soon!!

Try some Coconut Oil on your food or in your drink soon!
Amazon has a great deal where you get now get TWO jars for only a few dollars MORE than what it cost to buy ONE jar with less in it!!!!

Coconut Oil has some amazing health benefits!!! Check the out for yourself, Don't take my word for it!!!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 3

I have actually gone three whole days without raising my voice to my children. No Yelling, Screaming or raising voices!-This doenst mean that they have not yelled, whined or screamed at me but I have responded back each time with a soft voice.
The "Raising Godly Tomatoes" is a really special book.
I'm really learning a lot from it and by applying some of these techniques, its actually
making our house more peaceful.  The children know that we want them to respect and to Obey us.
Afterall. God commanded them to "Obey your parents".
Anyway, its not all Peaches and Roses but its been a LOT better that it has been
and I am really enjoying not having to yell or raise my voice to get their attention.
Stay tuned for more changes.
If you are not following my design blog, please consider following it over at


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My New Book!

So. My new book came in the mail yesterday, along with my journal that I got in a giveaway for Revive your hearts!I'm so excited
Elizabeth Kruger did a great job writing "Raising Godly Tomatoes".
So far, I've already read several chapters.  I agree with pretty much EVERYTHING she says about raising children.  So now comes the hard part... Actually DOING the things that the book recommends.
Basically, of course its BE CONSISTANT.  I've talked to SEVERAL WOMAN who have read and used these Biblical Principals in raising there children and HARMONY has been brought into their homes.  Some of them may have NEVER had the harmony in their homes before now.
No! It's not a MAGIC PILL type of book that will take away every problem you've ever had with your children, but it will HELP!
Her ideas in this book are amazing and its things that most of us already know but maybe aren't sure how to implement it.

If you arelooking for a Biblical Approach to parenting that focuses on the heart of your child as well as his/hear outward actions, then you really need to check out this book!  --This was taken from the back of the book.

Check out what Tomato Staking is all about and how it really helps in raising your children!

I can not wait to start living in harmony with the children once again!!!
Get the Joy of parenting back!!!

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