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Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 3

I have actually gone three whole days without raising my voice to my children. No Yelling, Screaming or raising voices!-This doenst mean that they have not yelled, whined or screamed at me but I have responded back each time with a soft voice.
The "Raising Godly Tomatoes" is a really special book.
I'm really learning a lot from it and by applying some of these techniques, its actually
making our house more peaceful.  The children know that we want them to respect and to Obey us.
Afterall. God commanded them to "Obey your parents".
Anyway, its not all Peaches and Roses but its been a LOT better that it has been
and I am really enjoying not having to yell or raise my voice to get their attention.
Stay tuned for more changes.
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