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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My New Book!

So. My new book came in the mail yesterday, along with my journal that I got in a giveaway for Revive your hearts!I'm so excited
Elizabeth Kruger did a great job writing "Raising Godly Tomatoes".
So far, I've already read several chapters.  I agree with pretty much EVERYTHING she says about raising children.  So now comes the hard part... Actually DOING the things that the book recommends.
Basically, of course its BE CONSISTANT.  I've talked to SEVERAL WOMAN who have read and used these Biblical Principals in raising there children and HARMONY has been brought into their homes.  Some of them may have NEVER had the harmony in their homes before now.
No! It's not a MAGIC PILL type of book that will take away every problem you've ever had with your children, but it will HELP!
Her ideas in this book are amazing and its things that most of us already know but maybe aren't sure how to implement it.

If you arelooking for a Biblical Approach to parenting that focuses on the heart of your child as well as his/hear outward actions, then you really need to check out this book!  --This was taken from the back of the book.

Check out what Tomato Staking is all about and how it really helps in raising your children!

I can not wait to start living in harmony with the children once again!!!
Get the Joy of parenting back!!!


1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you as you read it and your family grows in joy and harmony!


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