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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Are we sure this isn't Monday...

It sure feels like a Monday. A cold, non fun Monday..Yep! That is exactly what it feels like. I'm trying not to get the Monday Blues, since it's Tuesday..But its not helping. This morning has started off much like other mornings, with a little extra oomph added to it. Not the good oomph..that bad oomph.
For ex.  While getting ready for school, my son drags his backpack into the living room and plops it down and then sits next to it.  While getting up to head out to the bus he realized the top came off his water bottle and has spilt EVERYWHERE. Now his bag, and pants are SOAKED.. Seriously, they had about 2 minutes to get out to the bus. So he heads to change, comes back mismatched and has to change again.
I'm hurrying him out the door, into the freezing 20 degree weather, with shoe laces untied right as the bus is pulling up... Yelling "tie your shoes, tie your shoes"... Poor Kid. His day didn't start off so well. Which means mine so far hasn't started off so well.  I'm praying a prayer for him to have a better day as I type this, because let's face it. Sometimes we NEED an extra prayer in for us.  I could have handled it better, but at the moment, ALL i could see if him missing the bus, me having to quickly get dressed, get the sleeping toddler up (not fun) and then take him to school... Thankfully, and only  by God's Mercy, the bus was an extra minute later than normally or he would have missed it.
Kalli had a decent morning though, except she is in this stage now where one tiny flyaway of her hair, will ruin her entire day.  When I was her age, I'd just throw my hair in a ponytail and head out the door. I don't remember caring to much about my hair...but that's where she and I differ.  Where I was an avid gymnast who lived in pony tails and gymnastic leotards a t shirt and workout pants, she's a dancer who always wants to be glammed out in jewelry, fixed hair, flashy shirts (like seriously, glitter, lacey, etc) and decent looking jeans. Don't forger her ever so fashionable sparkly, glittery, light flashing twinkle toes.

Somedays I'm not sure if I can handle the teen age years that are up ahead. The beginning of the tween years has been yard enough.. (Sign...)

There is a verse that My son had to learn for awana the other night that I have challenged him too. Great thing about Awana, is that while they are learning the verses..They have the meaning to several of the words in the verse so you can study them more.
This is my challenge verse for him (if you have a child who is always wanting to be first, everywhere, and constanly trying to get attention my impressing others, then this is a great verse.

Phillipians 2:3

Let nothing be done through Selfish Ambition or conceit.
But in lowliness of mind. Let each esteem others better than himself.

(Selfish Ambition=wanting to be first)
(Conceit= being self centered, trying to impress others)
(Lowliness of mind=putting others before you)

When you replace the words with the meanings, it helps children understand it better

Let nothing be done through wanting to be first, or by trying to impress others.
Always put others before you and consider then before yourself.  (This helped a lot)

Another verse we've been encouraging him to study harder this week is

1 Tim 4:12

Let no one despise your youth,
But be an example to the believers,

In word, conduct, in love, in spirit, in Faith and in Purity.

Despise=look down on
Believers= those who have trusted Christ as their Savior. Christians

"Let no one look down on you because you are young.
Instead, be an example to other Christians , by the way you speak, the way you behave, the way you love, your spirit, your Faith and your purity."

See..Word studies help out a lot!

I hope you all have a great day.... let's get through this Tuesday..Tomorrow is the halfway mark! Woohoo!


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