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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Is your BFF Jesus?

Of course it's Easy to say "Jesus is my BFF? because in truth, he's always there for us, even if we don't realize it.  But is he truly your BFF.  Do you put everything or other things in front of it?
I was reading through today's mother/daughter devotional that I bought last year when we attended the Secret Keeper Girl tour that came to town. (Excellent, highly recommended if you have a tween/teen daughter).

The Disciple John had a Bff. His name was Jesus.  For Jesus to live as a human in the world, John knew it was a really really big deal. He respected and honored Jesus' position. For Jesus to be such close friends with John was a wonderful and great privilege
Did you  know that the book of John in the bible was written by none other than JOHN himself.  Did you also know that in the book of John it mentioned "The disciple that loved Jesus". In today's world some would consider that a little conceited. Writing a book about you being the ONE who loved Jesus.?  .
But can you just imagine the closeness of the relationship between Jesus and any of his disciples?  They actually got to SEE Jesus, walking, talking and doing things with People. and they JOINED Him on his journeys. In John 13:21-26 you can see that John was actually leaning in close to Jesus.  Can you imagine being so CLOSE to Jesus that You could actually feel his heartbeat!  Imagine that!

When John called himself the "disciple who loved Jesus". He was not merely bragging.  He wasn't bragging like "Hey World. LOOK WHO IM FRIENDS WITH?"  No, he was merely showing the world that Jesus LOVED Him.  A human. He actually LOVES him!and guess what. He loves you and me too!

In John 19:26, it describes Jesus on the Cross just before his death.  Jesus looked down at Mary (his mother) and his wonderful friend, John. He tells his mom and John to take care of each other.  Jesus must have thought a TON of John, to trust him to be like a son to Mary.

Have you ever been around someone that has made you feel like the most important person in the Universe? Don't you think that is how Jesus made John feel?  When John was in the presence of Jesus, he was consumed by a big love. The Love of  a Savior.

Wouldnt that be awesome to feel that kind of love? Do you ever feel it?  I think there are times in my life where I can feel the presense of something much more powerful than what is normal, but those times are few and far between in my personal case.  But I'm trying to put more and more and ALL my trust in Jesus.

Just today, I was reading about some friends of mine who are Missionaries, going into the JUNGLE. They moved to a foreign country and just had their second child.  They are on a journey that I couldn't imagine having that type of Trust in Jesus.  Here they and their kids are going into areas where the Gospel of Christ hasn't been heard of...and they are teaching the local Tribes about Jesus Christ and his Love for us and during this process they are seeing with their OWN eyes, the Miracles of God.  Local tribesmen are becoming CHRISTIANS, and are forming that one on one personal relationship with Christ and they are going back to their houses and preaching it.  They have this excitement in their eyes. A true Happiness...

In my own house, can I honestly say the same about my own children who have been in church since they were born?   I wish they had that kind of excitement for our Savior, but are they just not as excited because my own light has become dull in this crazy, not obsessed about Our Lord and Savior world?
I want my light back and its becoming harder and harder to grasp it, but I'm trying...

I want my best friend to be Jesus.  Do you?


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