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Monday, January 14, 2013


To say this morning has started out successfully would be a severe understatement.  I didn't want to get out of bed. It rained all night. The wind howled and I didn't sleep good.
Kalli, got up fairly easy, no problems there (surprise..she is not normally a happy morning person), but Jaden...well..He didn't get up so easy.. First, he had forgotten to bring his clean clothes upstairs and put them away, which mean he had to half dress and walk downstairs in his pj's and finish getting ready in the guest bathroom.   Then he realized he had forgotten to do his script for his anchor position with the school's broadcast team.  It's due the day before he goes on air, but he'll have to turn that in, the day of....AGAIN.  I reminded him about this on Friday, I mentioned it on Saturday and I'm pretty sure I mentioned it yesterday as well.    Usually, I would sit down at the computer, and do it for him..but I've decided that, as a parent.. I must teach him responsibility. He is the one who wanted to do this position. He tried out for the position and He goes to the meetings for it. Not me.  While I want him to be successful in school. It will NOT happen if I am always coming to the rescue and doing his work for him.  He is a smart, and intelligent child, he CAN do this....its just going to take some time for him to realize he has responsibilities.

So this morning didn't go so well..  As Kalli and I sat down to do our devotion this morning, He didn't want to be involved. Although, its a one year Devo book for MOMs/Daughters, I've always tried to change it up a bit to include him. It hasnt been so hard, since it deals with tweens/teens , its not hard to adjust some of it to where he can be involved.  Normally we read a bible story from another book, and then continue with a devotion.

Todays devotion hit home. It was on feeling "Blue" and the various ways people can praise God while they are feeling this way.  It went on to talk about how this one young lady, gets her guitar and plays worship songs, while another will paint.  
It was based on the verse Ps.121:1-2 "I look up to the mountains-does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 
I told Kalli, that this was also in a song..She knew exactly which one it was, so we pulled it up on the computer and both of us started singing "Praise you in this Storm" by Casting Crowns.  I immediately felt better about my morning with Jaden and asked him if he understood the devotion and different things he could do when he felt upset, angry, or sad.  He wouldn't talk, as he was still in a grouchy mood, so Kalli answered. She loves to sing and is always making up songs...

Then , after they left for school. I saw a post on facebook by a good friend of mine about Praying for our sons.
Which led me to a website called Warrior Prayers...Which I noticed had now become "The Mob Society"-For moms of boys, by moms of boys.  I saw they had a book of Warrior Prayers to pray for your boys and many other great things.  Raising them in God's word, etc.  
It was JUST what I needed today.  In light of everything, I want my son to grow up loving God and knowing that he is a GOOD child... We talked about that this morning and how he can change the way his day starts, all by changing his attitude.  I Hope he understood...... The last thing I want is an argument or something at home, to cause him problems at or any day...

But the title of my post "God Knows".... God knew what was going to go down this morning in our household. That is why the devotion we did today was based on Turning to him when we are "down" "Blue" "Angry".  That is why he put the Casting Songs Crown answer in Kalli's head, that is also why he had me go to those websites.... HE KNEW!  He knew what was going on in my head, in my home, and with our family.


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