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Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Friends.....

The church we've been visiting had this really great things called M.O.M.S. (Moms of Many Strengths)
that they do two times a month.  Its where a bunch of women get together and we have discussions and make a craft and just have fun and fellowship with each other. It was so neat to do this.
There was such a great group of women there!  I met a few other moms who had children the same age as my baby girl and other moms who had children the same ages as my middle and oldest child, which is pretty awesome!
I love the fact that we all are like minded in our faith and beliefs.  We share pretty much the same values.  I've never been where I had a lot of friends since I've been a mom (just a few scattered around), so this is quite nice to be around others who share my beliefs and faith.
Plus, its at the church we've been visiting so thats awesome.

Its the weekend now, and I'm exhausted. My baby girl has not been sleeping much at night the fast 4 or 5 nights. Im not really sure why. She's only slept thru the night once since birth and now shes almost 3 1/2 months old. 

Last night we had movie night with the kids.  We watched the movie "Soccer Mom"  which was really neat. It was a cute little movie and had a good story behind it.   Last week, we watched "Letters to God" which is a really sad movie but also has a great point behind it as well.

Then today, I saw this video about the "Rapture" and I actually jumped. It really got me thinking!
Here is the video:

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