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Saturday, August 14, 2010


Just wondering if its possible to have one day go by where in my house no one gets into any trouble...Just one day where I do not have to repeat myself over and over, and the kids are nice to each other... Is that possible?  LOL

That may sound like I'm being mean, but seriously, it just NOT that hard to get along with your siblings. Or to listen when mommy or daddy says "Not right now"  or  "Wait a minute"  or "No you may not"  then that is exactly what we mean. That does not give you the okay to wait three or five or even one hundread and twenty seconds and ask the same thing again. 
Whew..glad I got that out... because when I say it to my kids,  they turn OFF their ears... Ha!

On the brighter side.. We've had the store open for almost a week now and we've gotten a lot of interest which is really awesome!
The kids had an EXCELLENT week at school AND Tomorrow is Sunday which means CHURCH! I am really enjoying the new church that we are visiting. The kids are going to school with some of their new friends from church which is just really awesome.

Ive just started a new bible study called "Five conversations you MUST have with your daughter".
Its awesome! Just this first week it has really opened my eyes a lot about things.
If you have daughters, I highly recommend this book/workbook/bible study for you.
Its by a lady named Vicki Courtney and this book is for women of daughters from new born to college age. 
tell your daughters the truth about life before they believe the culture�s lies. Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter also includes invaluable tips on having each conversation across the various stages of development: five and under, six to eleven, twelve and up.

helps moms pinpoint and prepare the discussions that should be ongoing in the formative years. To fully address the dynamic social and spiritual issues and influencers at hand, several chapters are written for each of the conversations, which are:

  • You are more than the sum of your parts.
  • Sex is great....and worth the wait.
  • Its OK to dream about marriage and motherhood
  • Don't be in such a hurry to grow up
  • Girls gone wild are a dime a dozen�dare to be different
I think its excellent so far. In it, I've learned quite a bit this week. One of the most important things to me this week was to make sure, even at the young age of 5, that my daughter understands that she is
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Psalm 139.14)
I've event taken it a step furthen and told my son this every morning as well. When We are driving to school, I make sure to make it a point to tell them each how much I love them and how that God made each of them, EXACTLY the way that he wants them to be.
Every aspect of the body, down to the tiniest microscopic cell, reveals that it is fearfully and wonderfully made.

Just a moment ago, I ran across this site. Its AWESOME!   Its AWESOME!!!

There is also another site too. Its called Modest Is Hottest.

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