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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bought A New Book

Well I did it!
I finally broke down and bought the book that came to me as a suggestion all those many months ago from a dear friend. A book that I have read countless reviews on how life changing it is.
I can not wait until the day it arrives at my house. I can not wait to read the
awesome life lessons written in there by another Mother!
Raising Godly Tomatoes by Elizabeth Krueger"My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life, and peace they will add to you. Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."
- Proverbs 3:1-3
(This is the overview from Amazon), but I found it cheaper on the actual website, than on Amazon.
If you are simply looking for a straightforward Biblical approach to parenting that focuses on the heart of your child, as well as his outward actions, then Raising Godly Tomatoes is for you. In these pages you'll find a wealth of common sense and godly wisdom, a guide to applying reasonable discipline, and instructions on how to build a close relationship with your child.
Raising Godly Tomatoes encourages parents to keep their young children -- their little 'tomatoes' -- lovingly staked to them, in order to train and apprentice them in a godly way of life that will prepare them for Christ's calling in the future, and render them a pleasure to live with today.
 If you havent had the chance to visit the site: Raising Godly Tomatoes (dot) com
then do so.. Its a great site and a I've heard wonderful things about the book!!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

When you Carry the Bible, Satan gets a headache.
When you open it, He collapses.
When he sees you reading it, He faints!
When he sees that you are living what you read, he flees.........


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Day....

Day 45
Reading: Psalm 135:1- Proverbs 6:35
Half Way Through

How are you feeling?
Whats changing in your life?
What are you doing differently?
Its been more than 30 days now!
Do you like the new habit you've formed about reading your Bible everyday?
DO you find it HARD or EASY to pick up the great BOOK and read it?

To be 100% honest, I'm struggling with it! SO much has happened over the last couple of weeks that I can really feel the enemy trying to break down this beautiful relationship that I've been building with my Savior!
I can feel him slowly creeping into any wall that I've built up and finding several ways to ruin my days.
It all started with with the Flu taking over one of my kids and me getting off track.
Then it continued with my husband breaking his hand.
Then with all the laundry and house work that has piled up on me.
I had everything going so good. I was in a good mood.
I was enjoying being around my kids, even doing crafts with them.
I was reading my bible EVERY DAY and really enjoying it.
Then Satan creeped in and ruined EVERYTHING.
The worst part is.. I let him.
I was weak!
But he is not getting the last laugh!
He's not getting the best of me.
Im going to win this Battle with the Help of Jesus!
I'm back on track.
So Satan...Stand back!
I'm going to be the type of Woman that when I wake up in the morning and my feet hit the ground.
Satan is going to say to himself "Oh crap! She's awake!"
I love that saying. I'm sure you've hear it before.
Be the kind of woman that when your feet
hit the floor each morning the devil says
"Oh Crap, She's up!"

This is how I want to live my life!

Just found out through an email from" Revive Our Hearts"
That I just won a Journal! I'm so excited! This day is looking good again already!!!!!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

I've gotten a bit behind on my Bible Reading, but I'm still in! I got behind a few days..Not even sure how it happened yet. I was caught up then somehow in the midst of life, I forgot one day to read my chapters and the next thing I knew I was behind by three days!  Ahhhhhhh!
However, I'll get caught up today.
Im very excited because we are in Psalms!
Who else is still with me?
Anyone gotten behind?


Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm blessed.

Our son always did and always has done everything early in life.
I remember he started crawling at only 6 months.
One day, I was playing with him and standing him up when he let go of me and stood on his own for several seconds.  Later that afternoon when daddy was coming home from work, we went out to the front yard to watch for him. I remember it like it was yesterday.  We had a little tree that we had planted and our son was standing in front of it.  I let go of his little hadn to see if he would stand up again by himself. He did. He kept standing for several minutes. Then we saw Daddy driving down the road and pull into the driveway. Little man was still standing waving his arms happily toward his daddy.  Then he did it. He walked.  Not one or two or three steps.  He walked about 10 steps.  Daddy picked him up. We went inside and he walked from wall to wall in our living room.  He was right at 9 1/2 months old.  We knew we were in trouble then!
Fast forward about nine months. Little man was 18 months old and Princess 1 was 3 months old.
It was 3 am in the morning.  We were all sound asleep. (Or so we thought!)
We were awakened by hearing a loud "tap tap tap tap click tap tap click".  What in the world is it?
We thought. As we tiptoed down our hallway. (We were thinking maybe someone was breaking in our house) I think my husband was even carrying a ball bat at the time.  We reach the end of our hall and what do we see.  Tiny little Man standing in the computer chair, playing a game on the computer. (The internet).
After we overcame the shock and put him back in bed, we were just amazed that he could even log onto the internet. Let alone play an actual game on it.
He's always been that way though. He can figure out how to do anything for the most part. He loves to read.
One of my favorite memories of him is when he was four years old. We were trying to get him and Princess to take a nap. He was refusing because he wanted to play. He simply told us "You are old. you need to go to sleep."
So my husband says to him "If you can tell us the square root of 81, we'll go and take a nap". 
Without a second thought, we turned around and were about to head downstairs when we hear "Thats NINE".  I was shell shocked.  Seriously...How did he know that.
Im spitting out "Whaaa..huh..WHAT? how did you know that?"
He had to learn it on Diego or Dora or something, right?

To this day, we have no idea how he knew that answer but he LOVES math!
Everyone has been telling us for years he was Gifted. We didnt want to push the issue. The last thing we wanted on our children were labels.  We just wanted our children to be God Fearing people who Love and Respect their parents and Love God with all their Heart.

But Validation happens. This past week, He brought home a letter asking for our permission for him to be tested for the gifted program at his school. He had been referred by someone at the school.

So we signed it. It will be nice to find out what level he is on.
I'm excited. Why wouldnt I be.
His little sisters may be following right behind them!
I am so very blessed to be their Mommy!
The next year will bring lots of new and exciting things for all of us and I can not wait to begin sharing the next part of our journey with you.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

These days, makes being a mom, EASY!

Both of my school age children, woke up in fairly good moods this morning.
Of course, The oldest Princess had an issue with her hair but We fixed that!
The Prince got ready quicky, ate breakfast and had time for a quick computer game, before he played with his baby sister when she woke up.
The ride to school was pretty much the same as always.  The older two were loud, but for the most part nice to each other.

Now, I'm sitting here and I just read a TON of chapters in 1 Chronicles (I'm getting caught up, because I got a day or two behind), while the youngest  (Princess #2) is watching "Your baby can read". She really loves this show.  She loves to clap when "When your happy and you know it" comes on.  She is learning to raise her arms when the words "Arms raised" pops on the screen, and I Just saw her touch her mouth when "Mouth" came on the screen! 
She is sitting quietly playing with some little blocks while watching tv.
She LOVES anything with Music!

Yes, Days like this, make being a Mommy EASY!!!  :)
I'm so blessed for my three little busy bees!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I think the Flu has finally left our house.
Last night even the baby slept better! Only waking up a few times! Which was nice!
Im still caught up on my reading. Its been a challenge the past week, but I've managed to do it.

I just love how much the Bible reading is affecting me. I feel so much closer to God that I have in a long time and for once I can see what I've been missing.
I feel that its helping me out a lot in other areas too. I feel happier more. I do not seem to be getting frustrated near as much or loose my temper near as much.
I have been struggling for years to find a way to find joy in parenting again.
I love my kids, but I was loosing joy at being a mom. I kept NOT letting my kids do things or help me with things becuase I knew it was inevitable that there would be a mess....but then I started thinking back to my own childhood at all the fun I had MAKING those messes, and how my own parents even helped make those messes and how I do not remember my parents complaning (Especially my mom) about cleaning them up.
Who am I to deprive my children a chance to make some of those messes while learning in the process.
I've actually enjoyed it!
The past few days, our middle child was out sick with the Flu, so I allowed her to make some crafts/art projects at the time she was feeling well enough. She painted several pictures, drew a lot of things and made a really cute "Vowel" barn!
Also, the day before she came home with the flu, she found out she had recieved the "Cheif Award" from her school. This is for students who show outstanding behavior/character, etc.
We are so very proud of her.

Anyway, back to the blog...
When I start feeling myself get irritated
I am reminded of the Bible verse in Proverbs 15:1.

A gentle asnwer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger!

How true is this. I am trying my best to teach my children this as well. The little words they can say can either make their or someone elses day, or completely break it.
If they don't want to do something, instead of throwing a fit, or yelling/screaming etc.
They could just as nicely say "Mommy/Daddy I really don't want to do that right now.."
It may not work but it will score them huge points in the end!!! I would much prefer to hear niceness instead of whining. 

So I am finding my joy in parenting again,, which is very important, because I do not want my children to grow up thinking that We didnt love them or never wanted to do anything with them and anything of the sort.

What are you doing with your children?
Have you lost your joy in parenting?
Do you spend time with your children or do you constantly tell them "In a minute, I'm busy" (I'm guilty of this too)....

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