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Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm blessed.

Our son always did and always has done everything early in life.
I remember he started crawling at only 6 months.
One day, I was playing with him and standing him up when he let go of me and stood on his own for several seconds.  Later that afternoon when daddy was coming home from work, we went out to the front yard to watch for him. I remember it like it was yesterday.  We had a little tree that we had planted and our son was standing in front of it.  I let go of his little hadn to see if he would stand up again by himself. He did. He kept standing for several minutes. Then we saw Daddy driving down the road and pull into the driveway. Little man was still standing waving his arms happily toward his daddy.  Then he did it. He walked.  Not one or two or three steps.  He walked about 10 steps.  Daddy picked him up. We went inside and he walked from wall to wall in our living room.  He was right at 9 1/2 months old.  We knew we were in trouble then!
Fast forward about nine months. Little man was 18 months old and Princess 1 was 3 months old.
It was 3 am in the morning.  We were all sound asleep. (Or so we thought!)
We were awakened by hearing a loud "tap tap tap tap click tap tap click".  What in the world is it?
We thought. As we tiptoed down our hallway. (We were thinking maybe someone was breaking in our house) I think my husband was even carrying a ball bat at the time.  We reach the end of our hall and what do we see.  Tiny little Man standing in the computer chair, playing a game on the computer. (The internet).
After we overcame the shock and put him back in bed, we were just amazed that he could even log onto the internet. Let alone play an actual game on it.
He's always been that way though. He can figure out how to do anything for the most part. He loves to read.
One of my favorite memories of him is when he was four years old. We were trying to get him and Princess to take a nap. He was refusing because he wanted to play. He simply told us "You are old. you need to go to sleep."
So my husband says to him "If you can tell us the square root of 81, we'll go and take a nap". 
Without a second thought, we turned around and were about to head downstairs when we hear "Thats NINE".  I was shell shocked.  Seriously...How did he know that.
Im spitting out "Whaaa..huh..WHAT? how did you know that?"
He had to learn it on Diego or Dora or something, right?

To this day, we have no idea how he knew that answer but he LOVES math!
Everyone has been telling us for years he was Gifted. We didnt want to push the issue. The last thing we wanted on our children were labels.  We just wanted our children to be God Fearing people who Love and Respect their parents and Love God with all their Heart.

But Validation happens. This past week, He brought home a letter asking for our permission for him to be tested for the gifted program at his school. He had been referred by someone at the school.

So we signed it. It will be nice to find out what level he is on.
I'm excited. Why wouldnt I be.
His little sisters may be following right behind them!
I am so very blessed to be their Mommy!
The next year will bring lots of new and exciting things for all of us and I can not wait to begin sharing the next part of our journey with you.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I still have to think for a moment about square roots!
    Can't wait to hear what yall find out!


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