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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I think the Flu has finally left our house.
Last night even the baby slept better! Only waking up a few times! Which was nice!
Im still caught up on my reading. Its been a challenge the past week, but I've managed to do it.

I just love how much the Bible reading is affecting me. I feel so much closer to God that I have in a long time and for once I can see what I've been missing.
I feel that its helping me out a lot in other areas too. I feel happier more. I do not seem to be getting frustrated near as much or loose my temper near as much.
I have been struggling for years to find a way to find joy in parenting again.
I love my kids, but I was loosing joy at being a mom. I kept NOT letting my kids do things or help me with things becuase I knew it was inevitable that there would be a mess....but then I started thinking back to my own childhood at all the fun I had MAKING those messes, and how my own parents even helped make those messes and how I do not remember my parents complaning (Especially my mom) about cleaning them up.
Who am I to deprive my children a chance to make some of those messes while learning in the process.
I've actually enjoyed it!
The past few days, our middle child was out sick with the Flu, so I allowed her to make some crafts/art projects at the time she was feeling well enough. She painted several pictures, drew a lot of things and made a really cute "Vowel" barn!
Also, the day before she came home with the flu, she found out she had recieved the "Cheif Award" from her school. This is for students who show outstanding behavior/character, etc.
We are so very proud of her.

Anyway, back to the blog...
When I start feeling myself get irritated
I am reminded of the Bible verse in Proverbs 15:1.

A gentle asnwer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger!

How true is this. I am trying my best to teach my children this as well. The little words they can say can either make their or someone elses day, or completely break it.
If they don't want to do something, instead of throwing a fit, or yelling/screaming etc.
They could just as nicely say "Mommy/Daddy I really don't want to do that right now.."
It may not work but it will score them huge points in the end!!! I would much prefer to hear niceness instead of whining. 

So I am finding my joy in parenting again,, which is very important, because I do not want my children to grow up thinking that We didnt love them or never wanted to do anything with them and anything of the sort.

What are you doing with your children?
Have you lost your joy in parenting?
Do you spend time with your children or do you constantly tell them "In a minute, I'm busy" (I'm guilty of this too)....


1 comment:

  1. I too am guilty of losing the joy sometimes. It makes me feel awful once I realize what I'm doing, so now I try to set aside at least a little bit of time each day for each kid, whether that is playing video games or just sitting down chatting at the table, just something..


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