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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Day....

Day 45
Reading: Psalm 135:1- Proverbs 6:35
Half Way Through

How are you feeling?
Whats changing in your life?
What are you doing differently?
Its been more than 30 days now!
Do you like the new habit you've formed about reading your Bible everyday?
DO you find it HARD or EASY to pick up the great BOOK and read it?

To be 100% honest, I'm struggling with it! SO much has happened over the last couple of weeks that I can really feel the enemy trying to break down this beautiful relationship that I've been building with my Savior!
I can feel him slowly creeping into any wall that I've built up and finding several ways to ruin my days.
It all started with with the Flu taking over one of my kids and me getting off track.
Then it continued with my husband breaking his hand.
Then with all the laundry and house work that has piled up on me.
I had everything going so good. I was in a good mood.
I was enjoying being around my kids, even doing crafts with them.
I was reading my bible EVERY DAY and really enjoying it.
Then Satan creeped in and ruined EVERYTHING.
The worst part is.. I let him.
I was weak!
But he is not getting the last laugh!
He's not getting the best of me.
Im going to win this Battle with the Help of Jesus!
I'm back on track.
So Satan...Stand back!
I'm going to be the type of Woman that when I wake up in the morning and my feet hit the ground.
Satan is going to say to himself "Oh crap! She's awake!"
I love that saying. I'm sure you've hear it before.
Be the kind of woman that when your feet
hit the floor each morning the devil says
"Oh Crap, She's up!"

This is how I want to live my life!

Just found out through an email from" Revive Our Hearts"
That I just won a Journal! I'm so excited! This day is looking good again already!!!!!


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