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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Am I the only one?

It seems after my 2nd child was born 6 years ago, and more intensified now that the 3rd one is here, but my emotions are NUTS!

I mean, I know its normal to get teary eyed at somethings but seriously, a commercial on tv... Maybe its just the mom in me.

Get this,
Taking the kids to school, yesterday morning, The song "Mary did you know?" came on. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas music, and I've heard this song a million times!(Its one of my faves) but I got serious chills listening to it!
Can you imagine, Mary...Sitting there holding baby Jesus, and kissing him on the fore head, and in the song it says "When you kissed your little baby, you kissed the face of God!" How Amazing is that!
"The son that you delivered, would soon deliver you...Mary did you know?"

Then the other night, while watching my 7 year old son, practice for his Christmas Choir Special at church, (I help with the 5th and 6th graders, who were are in it too) I look up to see my little boy, in the balcony and he looks down at me, and sees me and grins really big and waves, as they are singing and I got all teary eyed!
I actually had to stop myself from crying right there at Practice but I was filled with such joy that all these YOUNG PEOPLE are choosing to sing and praise My GOD!
Its awesome watching each of them and how different they are now, compared to what they were in August when Choir started. The excitement of Christmas is filling each of them with such joy. Maybe its because school will be out soon, or because presents will soon be opened...Either way, Each of their faces lit up as they were singing some of these songs and I was there to witness such talent that they have..
and I get teary eyed!

Watching a commercial on TV, sometimes I'll just nearly start crying. If it has ANYTHING at all to do with Children/parents/grandparents it'll do it to me!

They can be the sappiest ones ever. Watching a movie will do it to me now.

Growing up, My brothers and I use to laugh at my mom when this would happen to her and I was so happy that I didnt get all emotional at every single movie like my mom did, but now....Its me its happening to.

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