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Thursday, December 16, 2010


Not just today, but everyday. I get so sick and tired of Rude people!  Of course, the only people I've really been around the past few weeks, are my husband and children!  And of course, the rude ones are my oldest!
Its almost like he wakes up in the mornings and decides "What can I do today to make my mommy loose her mind?"
I know this isnt true., but it sure feels like it.

This isnt even what My post is going to be about today. Im going to make it a positive day.

A smile can change someones entire day and a kind word or gesture can change their life!
I'm sure you remember the story of the two boys in high school.  One (We'll call him Jon) was getting a bunch of things out of his locker and as he was walking out the doors to walk home, he stumbled and dropped EVERYTHING. 
It was as if no one even noticed him, Until another boy (We'll call him Joe) walked over, knelt down and begin picking up Jon's books.  He then helped Jon carry his things all the way home.
They two boys became good friends, frequenting each others houses, playing video games, etc.

Years passed and the two remained very close.  One day, the question came up as to why Jon was taking his books home that day.  Jon replied to Joe. "I cleaned out my locker because I didnt want to leave a mess for anyone else. I was coming home to end my life!"

But because Joe was kind enough to offer a helping hand, Jon thought there must be more to life than what he was living!  There must be a reason to live!


I've always tried to be nice to people. I usually take on more than I can handle becuase I don't like to let people down, or to say No when people need help! But recently I did have to start saying no, especially for school things with my kids. I would help out EVERY SINGLE DAY if I could, but lets face it. With a baby, and two kids in school, its so hard to help out..

But anyway, thispost has no real meaning to it.  Just the story of the two boys popped into my mind today, as I was yet again, getting upset over no real reason with my oldest! 


  1. Girl, you are SWEET and NICE and I know you love God and your family. There's a difference between stretching yourself so thin so that you don't ever say no...and because you are so stretched, you don't have the energy to take care of your family or enjoy them in the evenings...and in nicely declining so that you can spend time on your biggest priorities. And listening to God and letting HIM choose your opportunities will allow you to make an impact on the life of someone who just can't do it anymore. You might never know about it, but God uses every heart yielded to Him!

  2. I swear my oldest does the same thing every morning!

    I love that story, I've read it many times, but still it still brings me to tears every.single.time even though I know exactly what it says...

  3. Sunflower is my favorite flower,
    Merry Chrisrmas and Happy weekend.



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