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Thursday, December 30, 2010


So Christmas week we spend at Disney. It's insane there! We've never been during Christmas week, and I wouldnt reccommend it.  Its over-crowded. They shut the park down and wont let anyone else in because there were so many people. Its a fun trip! But you have to wait in line, just to walk! -I stole that line from my husband who heard it in passing while on our trip!

I have the best hubby in the world. Of course, I'm biased because he's mine! Currently we are on our drive home and i'm on the the car! Gotta love it!

I've really felt a tugging on my heart lately. I've honestly been so lonely in my life. Not lonely in the fact that I do not have anyone around me. but lonely in the fact that I'm not where I need to be in my life and relationship with GodI really feel that these challenges that I am taking on in a few days will really help.

I have a great life.I have a wonderful husband who is also my best friend in the entire world. He's my soul-mate and he has my heart.  My heart is broken into a few different pieces. My children have the rest of it.
My life, to be perfectly honest, is very good!  I have a hard-working Man of God, who loves his wife and children.  He does so much for us.  He's smart, wonderful, and handsome.  Not to mention he Loves God with all of his heart. I'm so blessed that God chose him for me.  

But even for people who seem to have it all or have awesome lives can be lonely if they are not where they need to be with God. I want to be in a personal relationship with God where people can look at me and just know that there is something different about me.  Do you know what I  mean?

I am really hoping/praying/wanting these challenges to help put me where I need to be. 
I will be blogging my daily progress and updates as well. 
I am so ovecome with excitement for this new year.  Its going to ROCK!


  1. It is! And we're going to pray for EACH OTHER, which means you are so not in this alone. God has set this up, I believe, for us to be sources of encouragement for one another. I know that often when I am too tired to fight my way through one more day, one more obstacle...someone else steps up to pray and clears the way. It's going to be different this year because we will be doing that for each other!

    (And girl, we have GOT to meet somewhere for coffee or something one of these days!)

  2. Yes we do Lisa!! We've got to meet up for Coffee or something!!! *and bring Jeanie!!!!) I havent seen her in FOREVER!
    I am so thankful that God has placed you in my life! I am praying for you!!!!!!

  3. Thanks for your prayers; they mean a LOT...I am learning more and more that all of our efforts are great, but it is the things that go up in the heavenlies that really make the difference.


I love hearing from you! Your comments, insight and encouragement mean a lot to me! Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope that God blesses you wonderfully today!

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