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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Something that really touched my heart.

I have been reading this book off and on for the past several months, but I keep coming back to this one part.
Its a book that I was given at a MOMS meeting, called 'What every MOM needs" by Elisa MOrgan and Carol Kuykendall

Have you heard the Jesus stories umpteem times? Is church a regular part of your life?  Maybe you have just gone through the motions for years, but its been just that--motions but not much heart involvement.  Have you been living your day to day life with Jesus as your friend, your confidant,  you guide , your giver of light and hope?  If not, move past the motions and sit down and talk to Jesus.  Begin a real relationship with him today.

Maybe you have had a relationship with Jesus for some time.  You know what it's like to have God live your days with you, helping you, whispering to you, conforting you, and nudging you in new directions, but in recent days you, you've lost the connection with God.  You're so busy, so behind in every area of your life, so needed by your kids, you can barely hear yourself think, much less hear any whispers God might be throwing your way.  It's one more area of guilt--you havent made the time and space for God that you think you should, but life rushes on, and you don't know what to do about it.

Now, whatever your situation, MOM..STOP! Whether you are just crackign yourself open to let Jesus in, or you're realizing that you  need to begin a real relationship with him, or need to find a way to get back to that relationship with him.  Let's stop, and breathe.  Jesus, come now.  Give my spirit some quiet.  Show me how to live my days in relationship with you.

Ask Jesus to help you find one part of your day where you can be quiet with him for just a few minutes. Maybe ten minutes before lying down to sleep.  may ten minutes when you first open your eyes in bed in the morning.  Maybe a few minutes after the baby goes down for a nap.  maybe some minutes during a coffee break at work.  Maybe while your husband puts the kids to bed.

Come to me, All you that are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.-- Matthew 11:28

If we can steal those few minutes away from all the to-dos of our everyday life, we'll find that time with Jesus will change the color of our days.

I personally find it very hard to even get a few minutes of quiet during my days. With a 7 year old, a 6 year old and a 7 month old taking of pretty much every moment of my day, I don't even have a moment to shower without the baby sitting in the bathroom floor while I'm doing so (she's confined-of course).
In 7 months, I can count on one hand how many showers Ive taken without her in the room with me! Thats part of being a mom, but there is hardly ever a quiet moment in my house.

However, I have never even thought, to ASK JESUS to help me find a few minutes of my day to set aside just to be quiet with him!  This will be what my focus is going to be on.
However, to add to my everyday quiet and learning time with Jesus, I am going to ask any followers of my blog that I may have to take challenge with me.
Please visit and take this challenge. There are several BIBLE reading plans!  Pick one and do it each day,. You can read each passage for your daily bible reading, right on the website, at the end, you can check it off and it will keep up with your progress for you.
I picked two, weeks ago, but sadly I have not followed my own advice, but I plan to start, TODAY!
I am doing two: Project 345 Plus  and the Rediscovering the Christmas Season   I knwo the Rediscovering the Christmas Season  might be a bit late. Its suppose to only take a month to do this. So I will finish up several weeks after Christmas, but thats okay!
The Project 345 plus is reading the Bible in 345 days!


Following a reading plan is a great way to make the Bible part of your daily life. YouVersion has 20+ plans, with options for customization and support to help you stay on track. See what God reveals to you when you spend time in Scripture each day.

I'd love to have everyones input each day, if you are reading it. Im thinking of posting my daily readings here as well, to keep me on my goal. Anyone else want to do this with me!


  1. Going to check out YOU VERSION now. Thanks :)

  2. Awesome! Let me know if you'd like to participate as well! :) This is so exciting!


I love hearing from you! Your comments, insight and encouragement mean a lot to me! Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope that God blesses you wonderfully today!

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