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Friday, December 31, 2010

I've got chills....

there multiplying...... (yes I know. a bit corny, since that is a song from Grease) but this is truly how I feel about the start of the new year!
I am so very excited for the challenges that I taking part in, that every single time I think about it, or read the writing/musings of some good friends about this challenge that I get chills up and down my arms, and my heart beats extremely fast! Its a great feeling! 

This new year is going to be so exciting! For the first 90 days, I am taking part in one AWESOME challenge! I am going be joining a bunch of others over at moms toolbox and reading the bible in 90 days.

I am also taking part in another challenge over at Revive Your Heart

Another fun part of all of this is the Linking that I'll be doing.  I'll be linking up to two other blogs at the moment.  Graceful Abandon and Taylor Journey..

Each Monday and Friday both of these wonderful ladies will be putting different things on their blogs where everyone can jump in and discuss what they are doing and finding out through these challenge..But don't forget to come back here, because I will be blogging my updates as well.

I hope that many of you will be joining me and I truly believe God is going to really be doing some wonderful things in our lives through out this next year!!!!!!

Get ready.. Get set...because in a few shorts hours, 2010 is OVER..Gone.. and DONE WITH..and 2011 will be here!!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Glad to have you linking up and can't wait to read about your part of this journey :)


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