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Monday, December 27, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

First of all, I pray and hope everyone out there had a wonderful and amazing Christmas!
Our family tends to be a bit different at Christmas time. We try to spend Christmas in a different place each year. So far, two years we've managed to do this. (We actually just started it a few years ago). Our first attempt at this, was Hershey, PA. The kids had a ball spending Christmas there.
This year, Sunny Florida!! Except for today and yesterday, the weather has been amazing! Never in my life, Did I ever think that we would be swimming OUTDOORS on Christmas day! It was awesome!!

From my blog, you can see the large picture of some Sunflowers.... That is my ALL TIME FAVORITE FLOWER!! I cant remember a time when I didn't LOVE Sunflowers!! I even had my wedding bouquet made out of Sunflowers (*and Red Roses*)

Another thing... PALM TREES.. We don't get these back home.. I've always loved palm trees, but I never knew how much I loved them until the past few years. We've spent a many of our family trips all around Florida (the beach, Disney, etc) and everywhere we've been, there have been Palm Trees! It seems my camera is always filled with pictures I've taken of palm trees! :)

Of course, My all time favorites in the world, would be my loving Husband and beautiful children.

My husband is so awesome. He spoils all of us (me and the kids) so much. He works hard, so that I can be a full time stay at home mom (I'm not all that great of a home maker, but I'm trying).... yet even after is long work days, he still finds time to play with the kids, go to sporting events with them, and take care of us all.
He spoils us with amazing trips to everywhere we've been. Whether its a weekend away with just him and me, or a week away with the family..
So far, our most traveled too places are the beaches of Florida and the Orlando area. Florida is awesome.. I love the weather here. We've been at all different times of the year, and had pleasant experiences pretty much each time.. :)

But yes, he spoils us way more than we all deserve. :) We are so blessed to have him in our family, as husband, dad, best friend! God is truly amazing!

Now onto Blog Business.

I am trying to make my blog look better. Something happened over the past few times when I changed the background and now I can not get my blog back like it was.

I love the palm tree background, but when I did it, it messed up my Sunflower picture. I want it centered. I just cant get it back to the way it was, no matter what I do... Any advice.

1 comment:

  1. For the header image question.. Here's a link that might help..
    Easier than just re-typing...
    I have some other blog help sites bookmarked, if you need them just let me know..


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