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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas! & Happy New Year!

So, instead or, in place of using YOUVERSION.COM for my bible reading.
I am taking a challenge for myself for reading bible!  I am going to be using the MOMSTOOLBOX and reading the bible in 90 days.  It starts on January 3 and will end in April.  Will you take this challenge with me.
Head on over to and sign up for their 90 day challenge! 
This is not a study program. It is a reading program designed to help you read every word. You can go back and study whatever you like, however you would like, later....

So, how many will take this challenge with me.
I will be blogging my progress right here!!



  1. I'm doing it, too! I can't wait to start :) It's going to be awesome; I am sure God will open our eyes to so much as we read through like this.

  2. Thank you for telling me about this Lisa!! I can not wait to get started!!!!

  3. I will be reading along with you. It would be nice if we could also blog about what were learning along the way also. Thanks for the link.


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