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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


en·cour·age·ment  audio  (n-kûrj-mnt, -kr-)
  1. The act of encouraging.
  2. The state of being encouraged.
  3. One that encourages.
The noun ENCOURAGEMENT has 3 senses:
1. the expression of approval and support
2. the act of giving hope or support to someone
3. the feeling of being encouraged

When I think of Encouragement, I immediately think of "To lift someone up" Not their physical self, but their emotional and/or spiritual self.
Encouragement:  Something we should do everyday. No matter who we are around.
Everyone needs a little encouragement now and then.

Another thing:
When we spend time criticizing people, we lose time that could be spend admiring them. 

I feel that this post has been brought on mainly by one of the challenges that I have taken on this year.
I have taken on the "30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge".

Todays post really touched my heart.
"Women who are constantly negative towards their husbands-espeically by speaking evil of them to others-show great disrespect.
Men respond to women who respect them.
Do you know how many people out in the world speak negatively of their husbands, wives, children, friends, parents.  So again, refer back to the bold large typing above
When we spend time criticizing people, we lose time that could be spend admiring them. 

Instead of criticizing...ENCOURAGE!

I consider myself extremely blessed! I am very encouraged all the time. Not only by my husband and our kids.
But I have a network of newfound and (recently found again friends) who are all doing the 90 Day Bible Challenge, who encourage me all the time.  Whether its not specifically pointed at me or not. I'm extremely encouraged and I want to give them each a


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