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Friday, January 21, 2011

Sorry.......Its been a few days...

It's been a few days since I've blogged. I got a day or two behind on my reading, and I was trying to catch up! Its been a bit busy here. We had to take our baby to the ENT, where they scheduled her surgery to get tubes in her ears for the following morning, (Which was yesterday) . Last night was a bit rough, as she woke up a lot and her ears are very sensitive.  The good part, is now that she has tubes, her ear is no longer blocked with excessive fluid so she should be back to her normal self very soon. (And hoping some extras sleep for mommy and daddy as well).

Ive been feeling a bit convicted lately on my parenting skills. Im guessing its because of the Bible reading challenge and I am feeling a bit closer to God, than I have in a very long time.
I am wanting to parent our children the way that God wants us to, so that they grow up with good self confidence, and Godly.  I want so much for them, that I know I have not given them over the years.

I have a friend who put it best, (I hope she doesnt mind me using it here) " the important thing to me here is not a punishment to fit the crime but rather the development of their character"
This to me, makes a lot of sense and its an excellent way of directly and parenting our children in the way of the Lord.    To Built Character.
We should be Building our Children up, not berating them or tearing them down.
We should be Building our Spouses up, not berating them or tearing them down.
We should be BUILDING others up....not berating or tearing them down.

Remember what I said a few days ago......

When we spend time criticizing people, we lose time that could be spend admiring them.




  1. So much going on with you; so glad the baby is doing well! We've been praying for you :)

    Be sure to link up with Faithful Fridays if you have've had some awesome blogs well worth sending people to.

    Isn't it awesome how time in the Word saturates EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of our lives? I am noticing a shift in my own life in many ways (although I'm a wee bit behind).


  2. (((Hugs))) So hard to watch little ones struggle. May you get that peace quickly now that the tubes are in :)


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