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Monday, January 24, 2011

What is it God?

Don't you just love it when you FEEL God is trying to TELL you something,
and you have no idea what it is?

Last night (or rather early this morning) during one of the times my littlest was awake,
I just started praying for God's wisdom and guidance.
I asked him to reveal to me, what it was that I felt he was trying to tell me, but because I am human, and have human ears and a human brain, I just couldn't figure it out without his help.

It's almost funny. It should be simple to figure out what someone is telling you. But because you are so much in and of the world, and trying to come out of it as much as possible, those simple things that you should be able to figure out, become like a huge math equation.

I've never been good at math. I've tried but my brain just didnt click with it...... I wish I was better! I'd pretty much LOVE to be able easily help or teach my son with math as he gets older.

Ok, ok, now that I've chased the rabbit...Lets get back to the point..

What is it God? What are you trying to tell me?
I'm just a simple person with simple ideas.
I need you to reveal in me, in a way that I will and can understand what it is that you are wanting me to know?
Have you ever been in this place before? How did it turn out for you? What did you do differently?
How did God finally reveal his plan to you? Or is it still a process?

Comments highly appreciated!

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  1. You remind me of Samuel. "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." And then we wait. And listen.

    Not the answer I'd love to give you, but the only one I know.

  2. (((Hugs))) I do not necessarily have an answer for you, but keep seeking, keep knocking and He will reveal Himself very clearly in His perfect timing.

    My experience is that He will prepare my heart to hear His word and will call upon me and then have me knocking back...His precious way of making sure that I want to hear, I am open to hear, and have a burning desire for His plan to unfold.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this post. One of the first things that popped into my mind is "Be still & know that I am God" From my experience, sometimes God purposefully speaks very softly to us- whether as a test, I do not know. Wait for His timing, He will reveal all in due time. I recently went through something similar. I was working full time (horrible hours at that) & God was calling me home to be with my son. It took my husband & I almost 2 years, & a series of horrible events, before when finally saw it as God's direction in our lives & obeyed. I can honestly say that I wasn't a 100% sure of the answer until after I took action. Gen 12:1 the LORD told Abraham to leave his home country & his family (to take action) to a land that He would show him later. I hope this confirms & encourages somewhat.


I love hearing from you! Your comments, insight and encouragement mean a lot to me! Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope that God blesses you wonderfully today!

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