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Saturday, January 15, 2011

A New Perspective

Last night, I did something that I have not done in a very long time.
Rewind a bit:
At night time, usually My husband and I sit on the couch, one of us holds the baby, Our older daughter plays in the floor with her barbies and barbie house, while our son sits on the loveseat/sofa.

Last night, our oldest daughter climbed onto the couch with us. She does this fairly often as she is a huge daddys girl. Daddy was holding Princess #2 in his arms. So he had both his girls cudding with him.

I noticed that our son, like always was sitting alone, like usual. I started to feel a huge conviction over not spending as much time with him as I should.
You see, he and I are a lot of like, so we butt heads all the time.
We are both hard-headed, strong willed, always right, never wrong individuals, When you have the two of us together it can be very dramatic.

However, I understand that by the Grace of God, God has showed me Mercy and Grace when I know I do not deserve it.  He has taken this strong willed, never wrong, always right woman, and taught her to admit defeat, admit being wrong and to think about things and perspectives BEFORE I open my mouth.
This is a long time coming, and I am glad its here because I feel more at peace with myself.

So fast forward to my son sitting on the sofa.  I got up, walked over, climbed over him (He was sort of laying down) and pretended to get behind him but instead, picked him up (like a baby)..and started tickling him, then sat him back down on my lap, and we both just sort of cuddled up on the sofa together (He's a LOT heavier than I remember...haha!)

We sat there and watched Nanny McPhee Returns (That my husband brought home with him after work yesterday) and It was a very pleasant experience.

This worked out nicely because while daddy was spending quality time cuddling with the girls, mommy was cudding with her boy!

It was a nice evening all around.  This past week I've spend a good deal of time with each child, but I had never felt so convicted as I did when I recently read that a friend of mine tries to speind twenty minutes EACH day, with each of her kids, Just spending time and enjoying being with them and for that, I am so thankful that does that.

But I was very convicted.  I made sure that this morning, when I knew my kids were awake to immediately be cheerful and tell the Good Morning and even play a little morning wake up game with them.
Then while we were eating breakfast,  We went around the table and told each other FIVE THINGS that we love/like about each other!!!!

Now, I am off to my handsome, extremely smart and talented sons basketball game and to watch my Princess #1 daughter cheer! (For the churches league)

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1 comment:

  1. This is just beautiful! I love reading stories like that :) Enjoy those cuddles and thank you for the gentle reminder that I need to do the same.


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