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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Finished todays reading with a breeze!

Todays reading in the 90 Bible reading Challenge was Genesis 17:1-Genesis 28:19.
It seems like a lot but it wasn't really! I was VERY interested in everything I was reading.
I mean You hear these Bible stories all your life, and might have even read a few from time to time, but to read them in ORDER like this is truly amazing!  I can not believe how blind or ignorant I've been all my life as to to where the stories were in the Bible!

 I use to think Bible reading was boring. Yes! I am a believer and I love God with all my heart but from reading the Bible growing up some, I just thought it was a bunch of old stories, kind of like in Histroy class! I know..That is just a HORRIBLE thing to say!

I can now say that my mind and my heart have been transformed! I have really enjoyed reading the Bible the pass two days. I'm on edge!
It helps that I am a very fast reader anyway. 
  I love to read and write.  Reading is a true passion of mine!  I remember back in college I read the entire "Gone with the Wind" book in just under 2 days.  That is a HUGE book!  When I get into a book, I'm on edge. I want to read it cover to cover as quickly as I can.
I don't want to put it down, and If I have to put it down I think of a million reasons until I can justify picking it back up again and finishing what I've started.
This is the way the 90 Reading Plan is with me right now.
Todays reading stopped RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE  of a chapter! Why, O Why????  Why leave me handing like that?  Yes, I pretty much know what happens next, but I want to read it!
The way the bible plan is set up is it has a list of what to read and how much to read each day.  It takes most about 45 minutes to an hour to read, but I'm a fast reader. Of course, I usually go back and re-read several passages just to make sure I didn't miss anything.

I am so excited in doing this.

In other ways, I really can't stand the way Satan works when you are trying to do what GOD wants you to do.  Have you ever noticed it before!  You committ to doing someting solely for God and yet Satan wants to jump right in and mess you up.

I've been doing a Husband Encouragement Challenge and Praying for my husband and children daily as well.
I've noticed since I started doing these challenges and making a time for praying for my husband and children just how hard Satan tries to interfere. Whether making me get upset over the smallest things and what not.

I'm praying for my kids, and my husband to not just have a hedge of protection around them. Because Satan can jump over a Hedge or cut through it.  I'm praying for then to have a steel/concrete wall that NOTHING can penetrate.  Not even the faintest breath of Satan can leak through to them.

So as today continues I challenge any and everyone out there who might come across this to do something encouraging today.  Whether encourage your husband, friends, children, parents, co-workers, etc.  Let them know how much they mean to you and encourage them in their daily walk.

God Bless!  2011 starting out Awesome!!!!

****and Lisa**** I sort of took the Blog background from you! I saw where you had gotten your really neat one from, and went there!!  :)   So once again.. THANKS!!!!!


  1. Good for you. I have gotten a little bit behind, but I am loving my bedtime reading. I was thinking last night as I was reading that its so strange to me that so many of my friends can find time to read other novels, but struggle to find time to read the greatest book ever written. Truth is the bible is full of drama, comedy and romance. It keeps you on the edge of your toes and its the only book that you can read again and again & still find something new. Keep on reading and Im looking to share what I'm learning also.

  2. Do not worry about getting behind! the 90 day bible plan is actually nly 88 days long but allows a two day grace period! Even if you are behind, just catch up! Or read what you need to!
    I am a little sad that today we finish the book of Genesis! I can not believe it!
    Hopefully once I get another moment, I'll blog about it! You are right, hte bible has everything for a good read!
    Its better than any soap opera, sitcom, book, etc! Its awesome! I am hoping you update your blog soon with what you are learning!!!!! :) God Bless you!

  3. Good Morning! I'm in your Group from the 90-Day Bible Reading at Mom's Toolbox. I just wanted to stop by this morning and let you know that I had you on my heart and will be thinking and praying for everyone in our group today.

    Many Blessings, Tamara


I love hearing from you! Your comments, insight and encouragement mean a lot to me! Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope that God blesses you wonderfully today!

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