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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Tomorrow is THE DAY!

Yep! That's right! Tomorrow is THE DAY!   I can not wait to get started on my journey through reading the Bible through, cover to cover, in only 90 Days! You should see some of the looks I have gotten when I've mentioned it to people! But no matter what, I am going to start this journey, and I am really, make that praying  that I finish it completely. In the 90 day time slot allotted for it!
Its just an awesome thing! So far, more than 700 people have signed up to read the bible through in 90 days.

How exciting!

Oh, but in other words and completely off the subject of reading the Bible through in 90 days,..
I finally cleaned out my closet and hung up MOST of my clothes! In fact, now My closet looks AWESOME!  Yep! I am very proud of it.  My clothes look great too!  I have placed only lounging pants, intimates and regular t-shirts in my dresser drawers!  I've hung up every thing else!

I feel so great! We've gotten rid of a lot of clutter that was around our house! This is hard for me, as I pretty much have always considered myself a pack rat! I honestly think I have kept nearly every paper that my children have brought home from school, so getting rid of most of that was a bit of a challenge, but I did it! I kept only the hand made creations and a few graded papers to remember their straight A's.  The rest is history! and can I just tell you that I feel great!  Let Clutter.

Declutter your house, Declutter your Heart, Declutter your LIFE!  


2010 was a year of a bunch of changes for our family.
We had a new member join our family. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Our 2nd daughter/3rd child!  With it we learned just how great our older two children (son/daughter) are at being Big Brother/Big Sisters to their newest sibling!
It's been a very exciting experience!
This year, my oldest daughter, who is six years old, made a huge decision. She asked Jesus into her heart!  When/Where did she do this?????
Sitting in the parking lot, in front of her school on a Monday Morning!
I led her to Christ! What an AMAZING experience that was!
What a MORNING I had!
I was so overjoyed that I could barely see to Drive home from the happy tears I had.
November 29, 2010 was the day! I'll never forget it!
We are hoping her Baptism will be scheduled this month some time. She is very excited to show the entire world!

1 comment:

  1. I love your 2010 --- what an awesome thing to lead your daughter to Christ! And I'm excited for your 2011!

    P.S. Love the decluttering; it's an awesome thing...keep going, you're off to an awesome start!


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