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Friday, December 31, 2010

I've got chills....

there multiplying...... (yes I know. a bit corny, since that is a song from Grease) but this is truly how I feel about the start of the new year!
I am so very excited for the challenges that I taking part in, that every single time I think about it, or read the writing/musings of some good friends about this challenge that I get chills up and down my arms, and my heart beats extremely fast! Its a great feeling! 

This new year is going to be so exciting! For the first 90 days, I am taking part in one AWESOME challenge! I am going be joining a bunch of others over at moms toolbox and reading the bible in 90 days.

I am also taking part in another challenge over at Revive Your Heart

Another fun part of all of this is the Linking that I'll be doing.  I'll be linking up to two other blogs at the moment.  Graceful Abandon and Taylor Journey..

Each Monday and Friday both of these wonderful ladies will be putting different things on their blogs where everyone can jump in and discuss what they are doing and finding out through these challenge..But don't forget to come back here, because I will be blogging my updates as well.

I hope that many of you will be joining me and I truly believe God is going to really be doing some wonderful things in our lives through out this next year!!!!!!

Get ready.. Get set...because in a few shorts hours, 2010 is OVER..Gone.. and DONE WITH..and 2011 will be here!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


So Christmas week we spend at Disney. It's insane there! We've never been during Christmas week, and I wouldnt reccommend it.  Its over-crowded. They shut the park down and wont let anyone else in because there were so many people. Its a fun trip! But you have to wait in line, just to walk! -I stole that line from my husband who heard it in passing while on our trip!

I have the best hubby in the world. Of course, I'm biased because he's mine! Currently we are on our drive home and i'm on the the car! Gotta love it!

I've really felt a tugging on my heart lately. I've honestly been so lonely in my life. Not lonely in the fact that I do not have anyone around me. but lonely in the fact that I'm not where I need to be in my life and relationship with GodI really feel that these challenges that I am taking on in a few days will really help.

I have a great life.I have a wonderful husband who is also my best friend in the entire world. He's my soul-mate and he has my heart.  My heart is broken into a few different pieces. My children have the rest of it.
My life, to be perfectly honest, is very good!  I have a hard-working Man of God, who loves his wife and children.  He does so much for us.  He's smart, wonderful, and handsome.  Not to mention he Loves God with all of his heart. I'm so blessed that God chose him for me.  

But even for people who seem to have it all or have awesome lives can be lonely if they are not where they need to be with God. I want to be in a personal relationship with God where people can look at me and just know that there is something different about me.  Do you know what I  mean?

I am really hoping/praying/wanting these challenges to help put me where I need to be. 
I will be blogging my daily progress and updates as well. 
I am so ovecome with excitement for this new year.  Its going to ROCK!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What I am doing this year..

I really feel led to do something different this year. Not the same resolutions that I've had in years recent (I don't even call them resolutions anymore)...
I really feel like God has planted some people in my life for ONE SPECIFIC reason, and its to bring me closer to him.
I've seen the way a few certain people are living their lives for God, and I want to be more like that!
Thanks to a friend over at the Blog Graceful Abandon, she's introduced me to a site that has a few more challenges, that I plan on doing over the next year. I can't do them all at once, I think I would be way to overloaded for that.
Head over to  and take a look at these challenges.
I want to do ALL of them, but the first ones I am doing are the 30 day TRUE WOMAN makeover and the Husband Encouragement Challenge.
The TRUE WOMAN Challenge goes through 
Proverbs 31, 1 Timothy 2:9-10, and Titus 2:1-5.

The Husband Enouragement Challenge, is just that.    A challenge to speak positively to and about your husband each day.  Encouraging him each day too,.

Then I'd really like to do the Gratitude Challenge!  :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

First of all, I pray and hope everyone out there had a wonderful and amazing Christmas!
Our family tends to be a bit different at Christmas time. We try to spend Christmas in a different place each year. So far, two years we've managed to do this. (We actually just started it a few years ago). Our first attempt at this, was Hershey, PA. The kids had a ball spending Christmas there.
This year, Sunny Florida!! Except for today and yesterday, the weather has been amazing! Never in my life, Did I ever think that we would be swimming OUTDOORS on Christmas day! It was awesome!!

From my blog, you can see the large picture of some Sunflowers.... That is my ALL TIME FAVORITE FLOWER!! I cant remember a time when I didn't LOVE Sunflowers!! I even had my wedding bouquet made out of Sunflowers (*and Red Roses*)

Another thing... PALM TREES.. We don't get these back home.. I've always loved palm trees, but I never knew how much I loved them until the past few years. We've spent a many of our family trips all around Florida (the beach, Disney, etc) and everywhere we've been, there have been Palm Trees! It seems my camera is always filled with pictures I've taken of palm trees! :)

Of course, My all time favorites in the world, would be my loving Husband and beautiful children.

My husband is so awesome. He spoils all of us (me and the kids) so much. He works hard, so that I can be a full time stay at home mom (I'm not all that great of a home maker, but I'm trying).... yet even after is long work days, he still finds time to play with the kids, go to sporting events with them, and take care of us all.
He spoils us with amazing trips to everywhere we've been. Whether its a weekend away with just him and me, or a week away with the family..
So far, our most traveled too places are the beaches of Florida and the Orlando area. Florida is awesome.. I love the weather here. We've been at all different times of the year, and had pleasant experiences pretty much each time.. :)

But yes, he spoils us way more than we all deserve. :) We are so blessed to have him in our family, as husband, dad, best friend! God is truly amazing!

Now onto Blog Business.

I am trying to make my blog look better. Something happened over the past few times when I changed the background and now I can not get my blog back like it was.

I love the palm tree background, but when I did it, it messed up my Sunflower picture. I want it centered. I just cant get it back to the way it was, no matter what I do... Any advice.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas! & Happy New Year!

So, instead or, in place of using YOUVERSION.COM for my bible reading.
I am taking a challenge for myself for reading bible!  I am going to be using the MOMSTOOLBOX and reading the bible in 90 days.  It starts on January 3 and will end in April.  Will you take this challenge with me.
Head on over to and sign up for their 90 day challenge! 
This is not a study program. It is a reading program designed to help you read every word. You can go back and study whatever you like, however you would like, later....

So, how many will take this challenge with me.
I will be blogging my progress right here!!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Something that really touched my heart.

I have been reading this book off and on for the past several months, but I keep coming back to this one part.
Its a book that I was given at a MOMS meeting, called 'What every MOM needs" by Elisa MOrgan and Carol Kuykendall

Have you heard the Jesus stories umpteem times? Is church a regular part of your life?  Maybe you have just gone through the motions for years, but its been just that--motions but not much heart involvement.  Have you been living your day to day life with Jesus as your friend, your confidant,  you guide , your giver of light and hope?  If not, move past the motions and sit down and talk to Jesus.  Begin a real relationship with him today.

Maybe you have had a relationship with Jesus for some time.  You know what it's like to have God live your days with you, helping you, whispering to you, conforting you, and nudging you in new directions, but in recent days you, you've lost the connection with God.  You're so busy, so behind in every area of your life, so needed by your kids, you can barely hear yourself think, much less hear any whispers God might be throwing your way.  It's one more area of guilt--you havent made the time and space for God that you think you should, but life rushes on, and you don't know what to do about it.

Now, whatever your situation, MOM..STOP! Whether you are just crackign yourself open to let Jesus in, or you're realizing that you  need to begin a real relationship with him, or need to find a way to get back to that relationship with him.  Let's stop, and breathe.  Jesus, come now.  Give my spirit some quiet.  Show me how to live my days in relationship with you.

Ask Jesus to help you find one part of your day where you can be quiet with him for just a few minutes. Maybe ten minutes before lying down to sleep.  may ten minutes when you first open your eyes in bed in the morning.  Maybe a few minutes after the baby goes down for a nap.  maybe some minutes during a coffee break at work.  Maybe while your husband puts the kids to bed.

Come to me, All you that are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.-- Matthew 11:28

If we can steal those few minutes away from all the to-dos of our everyday life, we'll find that time with Jesus will change the color of our days.

I personally find it very hard to even get a few minutes of quiet during my days. With a 7 year old, a 6 year old and a 7 month old taking of pretty much every moment of my day, I don't even have a moment to shower without the baby sitting in the bathroom floor while I'm doing so (she's confined-of course).
In 7 months, I can count on one hand how many showers Ive taken without her in the room with me! Thats part of being a mom, but there is hardly ever a quiet moment in my house.

However, I have never even thought, to ASK JESUS to help me find a few minutes of my day to set aside just to be quiet with him!  This will be what my focus is going to be on.
However, to add to my everyday quiet and learning time with Jesus, I am going to ask any followers of my blog that I may have to take challenge with me.
Please visit and take this challenge. There are several BIBLE reading plans!  Pick one and do it each day,. You can read each passage for your daily bible reading, right on the website, at the end, you can check it off and it will keep up with your progress for you.
I picked two, weeks ago, but sadly I have not followed my own advice, but I plan to start, TODAY!
I am doing two: Project 345 Plus  and the Rediscovering the Christmas Season   I knwo the Rediscovering the Christmas Season  might be a bit late. Its suppose to only take a month to do this. So I will finish up several weeks after Christmas, but thats okay!
The Project 345 plus is reading the Bible in 345 days!


Following a reading plan is a great way to make the Bible part of your daily life. YouVersion has 20+ plans, with options for customization and support to help you stay on track. See what God reveals to you when you spend time in Scripture each day.

I'd love to have everyones input each day, if you are reading it. Im thinking of posting my daily readings here as well, to keep me on my goal. Anyone else want to do this with me!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Not just today, but everyday. I get so sick and tired of Rude people!  Of course, the only people I've really been around the past few weeks, are my husband and children!  And of course, the rude ones are my oldest!
Its almost like he wakes up in the mornings and decides "What can I do today to make my mommy loose her mind?"
I know this isnt true., but it sure feels like it.

This isnt even what My post is going to be about today. Im going to make it a positive day.

A smile can change someones entire day and a kind word or gesture can change their life!
I'm sure you remember the story of the two boys in high school.  One (We'll call him Jon) was getting a bunch of things out of his locker and as he was walking out the doors to walk home, he stumbled and dropped EVERYTHING. 
It was as if no one even noticed him, Until another boy (We'll call him Joe) walked over, knelt down and begin picking up Jon's books.  He then helped Jon carry his things all the way home.
They two boys became good friends, frequenting each others houses, playing video games, etc.

Years passed and the two remained very close.  One day, the question came up as to why Jon was taking his books home that day.  Jon replied to Joe. "I cleaned out my locker because I didnt want to leave a mess for anyone else. I was coming home to end my life!"

But because Joe was kind enough to offer a helping hand, Jon thought there must be more to life than what he was living!  There must be a reason to live!


I've always tried to be nice to people. I usually take on more than I can handle becuase I don't like to let people down, or to say No when people need help! But recently I did have to start saying no, especially for school things with my kids. I would help out EVERY SINGLE DAY if I could, but lets face it. With a baby, and two kids in school, its so hard to help out..

But anyway, thispost has no real meaning to it.  Just the story of the two boys popped into my mind today, as I was yet again, getting upset over no real reason with my oldest! 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A thought or two.

A good friend of mine and fellow blogger as well, pointed me towards this site today:
Raising Godly Tomatoes.  Ihave to say, what an amazing site! It is jam packed full of information regarding raising Godly children!.

I have also got to tell anyone of my followers that you really need to go and visit the blog called
Graceful Abandon    You will be seriously blessed by reading BOTH of those suggested sites!   There is so much information in both!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This year has flown by..and other things..

Wow! It's Christmas time! Where in the world did this year go!
With the birth of our 3rd child 7 months ago, I guess things just started happening extremely fast.. Lets see. There was her Birth. Then the kids starting school. They both played soccer, so every single saturday was spent at the ball fields! Then as soon as they finished soccer, Cheerleading and Basketball started up!
This is what I've waited my entire life for! Ball field mom! :) But wow, with a new baby, its a lot HARDER than I ever thought it was.
Thankfully, I have a Baby K'tan to wear her with! If I didnt have that. I'd probably be miserable! I have seriously gotten my moneys worth with that!!!!!

Amongst other things!

I realised something pretty important yesterday....
I get so upset when I walk into my childrens bedrooms and I see that it looks like WWIII has broken out! Clothes, Toys, Games, Coloring books, etc...E V E R Y W H E R E !!!!!!

Then I walk into their closet and WOW!!!! What in the heck has happened? Its even worse, but in a smaller space!! I get so upset when I see this.
So I either make them clean it, or wait till they are at school and I clean it!

So yesterday, I cleaned my oldest childs closet and bedroom! Its spotless. Doesnt even look like a child lives in that room anymore!! I can't tell you how many scraps of paper that I threw away, broken toys, crayons. etc!

I found socks that Have been missing for MONTHS!!! After it was all said and done, and I was exhausted.. THe room looks GREAT!
Then I come into my own room, to put some clothes away and my closet actually looks WORSE than my kids closets! :(

I have SOOO MANY CLOTHES! and embarassing as it sounds. I still have some stuff packed in containers that are labled "After Baby"!
I have come to a decision that I have, without a doubt. HAVE TO GET RID OF SOME OF THESE CLOTHES!!!! I will donate, instead of selling them. Because, pretty much all my clothes are good quality and most are name brand! They are all in pretty decent, if not "like new" condition. So I will donate them to various places!
In doing this. I am also, going to quit stuffing clothes into my dresser drawer, but be more like a friend of mine that HANGS all our her clothes up. (with the exception of certain items).

I feel that cleaning out my closet, will be a lot like Cleaning up my body/heart/soul! Not that My body/heart/soul is dirty of anything...but its a lot in the same. It takes time. It can't be done all in one day, and it takes prayer!
Decluttering is good for the mind.body.spirit.soul! and I intend to declutter like crazy! Of course, this will have to wait until after Christmas, as there is just way to much going on at the moment, but I will get it done.

this is not a new years resolutions, as those never work out. Instead its a promise to family. my house!

A clean house/with as least amount of clutter as possible is also a healthy house.

I vow to hang up more of my clothes (and my husbands and kids) so that we are no longer the wrinkled family....TO leave as little as possible to cram into dresser drawers (Ok, lets face it) when your closet is overflowing and you can't close your drawers, YOU'VE GOT TOO MANY CLOTHES.. -I definately fall into this!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Am I the only one?

It seems after my 2nd child was born 6 years ago, and more intensified now that the 3rd one is here, but my emotions are NUTS!

I mean, I know its normal to get teary eyed at somethings but seriously, a commercial on tv... Maybe its just the mom in me.

Get this,
Taking the kids to school, yesterday morning, The song "Mary did you know?" came on. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas music, and I've heard this song a million times!(Its one of my faves) but I got serious chills listening to it!
Can you imagine, Mary...Sitting there holding baby Jesus, and kissing him on the fore head, and in the song it says "When you kissed your little baby, you kissed the face of God!" How Amazing is that!
"The son that you delivered, would soon deliver you...Mary did you know?"

Then the other night, while watching my 7 year old son, practice for his Christmas Choir Special at church, (I help with the 5th and 6th graders, who were are in it too) I look up to see my little boy, in the balcony and he looks down at me, and sees me and grins really big and waves, as they are singing and I got all teary eyed!
I actually had to stop myself from crying right there at Practice but I was filled with such joy that all these YOUNG PEOPLE are choosing to sing and praise My GOD!
Its awesome watching each of them and how different they are now, compared to what they were in August when Choir started. The excitement of Christmas is filling each of them with such joy. Maybe its because school will be out soon, or because presents will soon be opened...Either way, Each of their faces lit up as they were singing some of these songs and I was there to witness such talent that they have..
and I get teary eyed!

Watching a commercial on TV, sometimes I'll just nearly start crying. If it has ANYTHING at all to do with Children/parents/grandparents it'll do it to me!

They can be the sappiest ones ever. Watching a movie will do it to me now.

Growing up, My brothers and I use to laugh at my mom when this would happen to her and I was so happy that I didnt get all emotional at every single movie like my mom did, but now....Its me its happening to.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Today at church we were studying Solomon in Sunday School, when it was mentioned that commentators all believe that Solomon was around 20 years old, when God asked him "if he could have anything, what would it be". Instead of choosing riches, and things of the sort, he choose Wisdom.

I've always viewed being "wise" as something that comes with age, but that isnt it at all. As some else else stated in class today "We should be be praying for Wisdom for our children, youth, etc?".

You can make wise decisions at any age. You can be wise at any age as well. Yes, you grow more wise as you age, but thats because over time you learn from your mistakes...but asking God for wisdom and discernment! Wow!

Can you believe that! Awesome.

In other things.....
I've been trying really hard to understand my oldest child lately. HE's exactly like me, but a lot smaller. The reason he and I butt heads all the time is because we are just alike. We argue, (ALL THE TIME) over the most ignornant things.. "Why?" I have no idea. We both feel the need to prove that we are right and the other is wrong.

My oldest brother and I were like this growing up. Now that we are much older, we get a long a lot better...I don't want to wait nearly 30 years for my son and I to get along. He's the sweetest child in the world with a heart of gold! He constantly worries about children in other countries yet he's spoiled rotten! He knows MUCH more that I did at that age, but sometimes I wonder if he knows too much! He's a smart kid! But because he is so smart, he gets himself into trouble. He KNOWS he is intelligent and its because of this he thinks he knows EVERYTHING.

Im working really hard to not argue with him so much but its so hard. Maybe "I" need to pray for Wisdom and discernment!

But after all that is said and done...I think back to my earlier posting about Solomon. How many 20 year olds today would pray for such a thing?

How many 30 year olds? 40? 50? Would most of us not pray for Riches, Popularity, Love, Cars, Houses, etc????

If given the opportunity to have ANYTHING we wanted....What would we say?

because Solomon didnt say those things. Instead he said "Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?" (I Kings 3:9) Solomon was asking for wisdom to be a good king.

Then God Answered:
"Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for—both wealth and honor—so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.”

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I made a new blog to keep up with my sewings/designs work things.
I'll still use this one, but if you care to follow me over at my new blog, please feel free. Its at Its still in the designing stages and im trying to figure everything out, but thats where Its at!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So..another day.

So today Has been interesting. I am going to be a vendor at my kids fall festival on Friday with my sewing crafts and what not.
I've been trying to get all my inventory up and going, which has proven pretty hard with a 6 month old. I dont want to spend all my time on the sewing machine or making my designs, while my dh does all the work, especially after he already works so hard to provide for our family.
But today, I've managed to only make a few of tutus. Im doing Christmas ones right now, and Im hoping I've got them priced really good so they will sell. Right now, They are priced at $10. and they are pretty full and thick and fluffy, so we'll see.
I am also taking a bunch of hairbows I've made (Christmas ones too) and Im taking some Security Blankets that I've made and some Tooth Fairy Pillows. has a few pictures of my stuff on there. Im just hoping it goes well and I sell a good bit of stuff. I've priced my stuff reasonably low. Most the Tutu's ive seen through vendors at other things are around $20 or more. I'm making the same kind and am selling them for $10. I may not be making a ton of money off of them, but at least they are selling.

Im thinking of maybe doing a "Pre order" type thing, where people that want things custom made, like blankets, tutu's, pillows, etc..can preorder these (prepay too) and I'll use their money to get the supplies and make the crafts and ship it to them. I think that might go over well. that way people are getting things made personally for them. Does anyone think this will go over? Of course, I'm still taking my inventory and planning on selling it. I'm also taking a bunch of designer purses (brand new with tags still) and selling them all for $10 as well. Which is really low, especially since they are retailed at $49.99. Im thinking $10 is a still, and right in time for Christmas. I'll try to get some pictures of them on here soon. Of course, Im not making the purses, but everything else Im making by hand.

in other news, I just can not believe we are only one week away from Thanksgiving.. This is nuts!!!!! This year has FLOWN by!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Today, I want to MAKE MY HOME SING

Making your home sing Mondays

Yes. Today I want to attempt to make my home sing. After reading the journal post of a dear lady, I have decided that I can be a better, much better, homemaker than I already am.

Let's face it! I can not STAND to clean.. My house is not filthy, but it does have a lived in look. Since Our children have been born, I've adopted the attitude that "everytime I clean up, they mess up, so whats the point".

I can see now, that this just doesnt cut it. I was cleaning the kitchen the other day and asked my older two children to pick up some things in the living room, and my daughter asks "Are people coming over?" What??

No, no one is coming over, Mommy just wanted the living room straightened up! More importantly, the youngest is going to be crawling around soon and I wait.. I NEED to keep the areas she will have access to CLEAN! Plus, who DOESNT love the smell of a clean house!

I LOVE scented candles. We went on a visit to an Amish Community this past Saturday and I bought some scented candles that one of the families made! I am so eager to try them!

Thanksgiving is next week, and My B'day is the day before. Im thinking If I start cleaning now, I just MIGHT not have to clean on my birthday! Who wants to do that. (Knowing, no matter what, I will still be cleaning even FIVE MINUTES) before family arrives Thursday.

' to it.. Who else wants to make their house sing?"
You can click on the picture above for more details!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Its been a while

since my last blogging,.
So whats going on with our family right now..We'll.. the Three busy bees..a are the kids.. Two of those busy bees just finished their first season ever of soccer, and without a break are heading straight into basketball and cheerleading.
The third and littlest busy bee...well, she turns six months in a few day, and it finally starting to sit up on her own. No Crawling yet though. She pretty much detests tummy time..

I've been doing business for myself lately. Ive been sewing and have signed up to be a vendor at the older twos fall festival in nine days. I have so much to do. I have to make a bunch for tooth fairy pillows and tutus and blankets... is my facebook fan page with lots of photos of my work, if you're interested in checking them out.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which also is the day after my 29th birthday. Next year, ironically, is my 30th and its on Turkey Day! I couldnt be happier. Turkey is my favorite holiday of all year. :)

I'm trying to figure out a way to be more organized. I wish I could figure it out. Walking into my closets, gives me the creeps right now. Since we moved into this house, I've still got things in boxes. It's clothes and they are in boxes because when we moved, NOTHING FIT, because I was pregnant, but here I am six months after baby and Im still not going into those boxes. I've lost a bunch of weight and I'm happy with myself, in that part, well.. I could honestly loose a few more lbs, but right now im happy with myself.
I need..NEED NEED NEED to be more organized. Im frustrated and stressed and my house is total CHAOS. No matter what i do or when I do it (clean wise) it just never looks CLEAN. We constantly are decluttering and throwing away, but its not good enough anymore.

A friend of a friend just posted a great journal about this and it has truly inspired me. So, now im going to get off of here, and do my best to rework some of my kitchen for starters!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I did it!

I finished a dress that I started for my almost 6 year old daughter. I really want to go back and add some pleats if I get a moment today, but as soon as I do, I'll post some pictures. Its really cute.

As soon as I learn more about embroidery and appliques, I'll be adding some of those as well. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

What I'm trying to do this week.!!

I've taken up sewing! I'm very excited about this. For an hour, every day this week (or night this week) I am going to work on sewing things. I've already made two pillowcase dresses, my next project is either going to be two more pillowcase dresses, or pillowcase shirts with ruffle pants (If I can pull it off, I'm trying to figure out what I want to do for the ruffle parts now, without spending much more money on fabrics and such).

Then I plan to make some cute baby blue jean skirts!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I want to..

I want to learn to sew! I keep seeing these cute little outfits that all these kids are wearing and when I ask where the parents are buying these at, I keep getting replies such as “My grandma made it” “My friend makes them” “My sister does it” etc etc etc.

The latest was when a classmate of my daughters mom friend-ed me on a social networking site. I saw all these cute little things. We've spoken several times before and I had no idea that she even did this, but the designs were so unbelievably cute!
My sis in law is always buying cute stuff for her kids! I'm not looking to sell these types of things but I'd love to make them for my own kids!

I've sewn before but I always gave up to quickly, but I think with a little persistence and perseverance I could manage to do a good job!

I'd love to make some pillowcase dresses! Those are so cute! And even make some of the cute little pants with the ruffles at the bottom. I've checked online and these are always so expensive! I have no idea why.. I'm guessing from the labor involved because the fabric isn't all that costly.

Anyway, this week started the first week of soccer for my older two! I think they are both naturals!
Of course, I'm a little biased!

As I stated before, I bought the book.. “The Mission of Motherhood” \

and it came in yesterday. I started reading it and its very good. Its one of those books that really makes you think a lot about your life as a mother/wife. Its based on God's design for Mothers, per say but its in a way where anyone could understand it. It has really made me start thinking about all the things I DO NOT get around to doing with my children that I should.. For ex.. Having the patience to play board games, letting them help out in the kitchen.. I guess because I am such a “Doer” that I've never really let anyone help me. I think I can do it all on my own, but in the end, if I never let them help me, because of fear of making a mess or taking to long, or messing up, then how are they ever going to learn anything.

I've learned at lot and I've also learned recently (not from the book) that I'm doing too much for my children. Instead of them doing their choirs, I usually end up doing them for them after a few days because they do not do it up to my standards. Which is so wrong, because when I think about it. My standards for things such as cleaning and etc, are not very high at all.

I grew up in a house, where my mom continually cleaned. I have NO IDEA how she had the time do to all that stuff and raise three children. Our house was spotless...and I'm talking white glove approval. I remember on days where I stayed home from school because I was sick, she never sat down for more than a few minutes at a time over the course of an entire day. She was always busy.. Even now, she keeps herself busy.. I wish so much that I was like my mom. Our house was never “dirty”.. I don't; mean dirty like dirt marks and stuff over the house.. when I say dirty, I guess I mean....Cluttered. Everything has a place, Everything was dusted, Kitchens were clean, Counter tops were cleaned off, bathrooms were spotless and even SMELLED nice. Bedrooms (with the exception of mine, unless she cleaned it) were spotless.

I remember thinking when I was little that when I became a married woman that my room would automatically be clean. Boy was I wrong! I'm sure I have time throughout the day, but I guess I've developed an attitude that I'd much rather LIVE than clean all day. My house has a “Lived in” look.
Its kind of funny. My house by no means is “Messy”. But its lived in.. I guess one day I might get my act together and be more like my mom and start cleaning.. Cleaning everyday, a little bit each day.
I might even start today! :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Friends.....

The church we've been visiting had this really great things called M.O.M.S. (Moms of Many Strengths)
that they do two times a month.  Its where a bunch of women get together and we have discussions and make a craft and just have fun and fellowship with each other. It was so neat to do this.
There was such a great group of women there!  I met a few other moms who had children the same age as my baby girl and other moms who had children the same ages as my middle and oldest child, which is pretty awesome!
I love the fact that we all are like minded in our faith and beliefs.  We share pretty much the same values.  I've never been where I had a lot of friends since I've been a mom (just a few scattered around), so this is quite nice to be around others who share my beliefs and faith.
Plus, its at the church we've been visiting so thats awesome.

Its the weekend now, and I'm exhausted. My baby girl has not been sleeping much at night the fast 4 or 5 nights. Im not really sure why. She's only slept thru the night once since birth and now shes almost 3 1/2 months old. 

Last night we had movie night with the kids.  We watched the movie "Soccer Mom"  which was really neat. It was a cute little movie and had a good story behind it.   Last week, we watched "Letters to God" which is a really sad movie but also has a great point behind it as well.

Then today, I saw this video about the "Rapture" and I actually jumped. It really got me thinking!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another good day.

Yesterday was a good day.  Anyday is good when you wake up and everyone is well.. except for my husband who is fighting allergies but other than that. everyone and everything is good.

I just bought a book after reading this incredible blog called "Like a Warm cup of Coffee". This lady is amazing!

She's doing a book club type thing on this book and luckly they are only on chapter 4 or 5 so I can catch up as soon as my book comes in.

Its called The Mission of Motherhood: Touching your Chlds heart for Eternity!
It has so much incredible stuff in it!  Its amazing and from the reviews I've read on it, its helped a lot of people!  So I bought it and I'm going to read it and do my best to apply it to my everyday life!

Soccer should be starting any day now. I can't wait. I'm going to be a soccer mom, with one in tow, happily in her Baby K'tan carrier!  Its' really great! I have one in chocolate brown and its SO AWESOME!   I've never really liked carriers/sling types before because I couldnt find one that fit well or was comfy to wear, but this one is GREAT. Its awesome!  and My baby girl is SO happy in it!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Just wondering if its possible to have one day go by where in my house no one gets into any trouble...Just one day where I do not have to repeat myself over and over, and the kids are nice to each other... Is that possible?  LOL

That may sound like I'm being mean, but seriously, it just NOT that hard to get along with your siblings. Or to listen when mommy or daddy says "Not right now"  or  "Wait a minute"  or "No you may not"  then that is exactly what we mean. That does not give you the okay to wait three or five or even one hundread and twenty seconds and ask the same thing again. 
Whew..glad I got that out... because when I say it to my kids,  they turn OFF their ears... Ha!

On the brighter side.. We've had the store open for almost a week now and we've gotten a lot of interest which is really awesome!
The kids had an EXCELLENT week at school AND Tomorrow is Sunday which means CHURCH! I am really enjoying the new church that we are visiting. The kids are going to school with some of their new friends from church which is just really awesome.

Ive just started a new bible study called "Five conversations you MUST have with your daughter".
Its awesome! Just this first week it has really opened my eyes a lot about things.
If you have daughters, I highly recommend this book/workbook/bible study for you.
Its by a lady named Vicki Courtney and this book is for women of daughters from new born to college age. 
tell your daughters the truth about life before they believe the culture�s lies. Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter also includes invaluable tips on having each conversation across the various stages of development: five and under, six to eleven, twelve and up.

helps moms pinpoint and prepare the discussions that should be ongoing in the formative years. To fully address the dynamic social and spiritual issues and influencers at hand, several chapters are written for each of the conversations, which are:

  • You are more than the sum of your parts.
  • Sex is great....and worth the wait.
  • Its OK to dream about marriage and motherhood
  • Don't be in such a hurry to grow up
  • Girls gone wild are a dime a dozen�dare to be different
I think its excellent so far. In it, I've learned quite a bit this week. One of the most important things to me this week was to make sure, even at the young age of 5, that my daughter understands that she is
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Psalm 139.14)
I've event taken it a step furthen and told my son this every morning as well. When We are driving to school, I make sure to make it a point to tell them each how much I love them and how that God made each of them, EXACTLY the way that he wants them to be.
Every aspect of the body, down to the tiniest microscopic cell, reveals that it is fearfully and wonderfully made.

Just a moment ago, I ran across this site. Its AWESOME!   Its AWESOME!!!

There is also another site too. Its called Modest Is Hottest.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So what Have I been up too...

Opening my very own store...thats what!  Its very exciting!! See the thing over to the side of the page that says KEWL TRENDZ on it.  Please visit that link now and follow us on facebook!
My husband and I have opened up our very own retail fashion outlet and our prices are AWESOME. They are below wholesale!!!  :)
Give us a look at   or visit on facebook to become a fan and keep up with the latest specials!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summers basically over...

In so many ways I am so ready for school to start....but just as happy as I am about it starting back, I'm also just as unhappy about the fact that SLEEPING IN will have to wait till next summer.. :(
The kids have finally gotten into routine of sleeping back 7am! Its been nice to be able to get up to feed the baby, then go back to sleep till 9 or 10.  Yes! We are so spoiled!  But those days are over.

We've been so busy this past week, Not only are we getting things ready for the kids to go back to school, we also have some other things that we are working on.  Basically, Life is about to get REALLY interesting and busy on our end....But, I am so excited!!!!!


Friday, July 30, 2010

Life......Love....and Happiness.

A couple days ago, my husband and I celebrated being married for eight years!  That might not sound like a lot of years for some people, but we've done a LOT in these past eight years.  We've had three children, moved quite a few times, had a few different cars and overcame a LOT of things. I can truly say that I am one of the luckiest women in the entire world. I've not only married my soul-mate, but he's also my best friend in the entire world.  The Love of my life!  
The other day on the radio, the song "Un-answered Prayers" came on.  It occurred to me, that its not that GOD doesnt  answer some prayers, its just that he may not answer them the way that YOU want him to.  We have to remember that GOD sees the big picture, and we only see a few feet ahead..and to be 100% honest with you.... I am so THANKFUL that God sees the big picture! 
School starts in a little over a week, and I can't believe that my kids are as old as they are now.  They really do grow up fast...Then the youngest, she's just a little cutiepie.... Its amazing to be able to see a baby grow day by day.. With the first two, I think I rushed it. I kept thinking "I can't wait till....." blah blah blah.
With this one... I cherish it. I don't get frustrated at her cries, I don't really tire of holding her. Although, I think my husband holds her more than me.  I dont like to let her cry. I know all about Cry it Out and all that good stuff, but really, she doesnt cry much at all. When she's got a bellyache or hungry is really the only time she is fussy...
She's almost 11 weeks now and she's starting to teeth already.. I can't believe she's got a little tooth that looks like shes about to cut..Poor thing!! I've never seen a baby so young get a tooth before...
Well thats the past few days in a nutshell!!  GOD BLESS!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another day.

Is it bad that I am SO READY for school to start back?  I mean, I absolutely LOVE having my son home all summer long, but this year, my daughter starts school as well.  Which means, We'll only have ONE little one at home!  I konw that sounds wierd, because the past year and a half, my oldest daughter has been home, but she was already in her Miss Independent, Sassy, Diva girl ways. 
We;ve never just had "ONE KID" at home, in many ways.  Our middle daughter was born when our son was only 15 months old, so they've always been much like twins! Doing everything together..and I mean everything from fighting to loving to playing tricks on mommy and daddy to having the same friends!  This year, our daughter gets to actually make HER OWN FRIENDS!
I think what I love most about the school year is its scheduled! Structured! and we are in a set Routine!  We wake up the same time everyday. Get dressed, eat breakfast, and head to school. 
During the summer, as much as I love getting to sleep in, it just means the rest of the day is filled with screams and fighting from the older two.
Im so looking forward to a few minutes of peace!   Even with having an almost three month old.
I have so many things Im looking forward to doing..   Finally doing a few scrapbooks (I AM SO FAR BEHIND)...actually getting a decent workout in.. It currently takes me about an hour and a half for a 30 minute workout.
My biggest thing is..Which workout.. P90x, Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, or just running for now.  I love love love love love the wii fit! Its the best, but it doenst seem to burn as many calories as I like, although I am up to six minutes of hula hooping!  :)  (Its the little things, isnt it!)  Of course, the six minutes of hula hooping isnt going to burn off the delicious slice of cheese cake and the huge meal from Steak-Out that I had earlier! Ha!

I guess, I can be happy that I've down to less than what I was prior to getting pregnant with Sweet baby #3.
But I really need to tone up! :) ALOT!

Till next time....Tell your family that you love them! Especially your kids! Don't let them go to bed, thinking that you are mad at them!  Cherish them while they are young! Cherish them no matter how hard it is!
God Bless!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Remember when.......

Remember when........

For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a mom and wife.  Growing up, even though there were a few things I wanted to be when I grew up... I knew it would never last.  My ultimate goal, was to get married and start a family...

That is EXACTLY what I did.    I went through several different things growing up.  I wanted to be an olympic gymnast. I wanted to be a physical therapist.  I wanted to be a school teacher.    I never, that I can remember, wanted to be an astronaut, or anything like that. 

I ALWAYS wanted to be the cool mom, the mom who had fresh baked warm brownies or cookies sitting on the counter when the kids came home from school.   The house where ALL the kids wanted to hang out.
So...WHAT HAPPENED?  Well, I did meet the man of my dreams and get married and start a family..
But, my goals are NOT to be the cool mom on the block where all the kids want to hang out.  In fact, I don't know why, but I really don't LIKE having a bunch of kids over at my house.  What if someone gets hurt? among other things that go through my mind....
I've only had brownies on the counter a couple of times... (and they were made the night before).

Life happened, thats what.  I just cant seem to get motivated to cook those afternoon brownies...or Im too tired, or time slipped away... 

Some parts of me still wants to be that person... The person like my mom was when I was little. The mom who had so much patience, and cleaned all day long, everyday..had cookies on the counter, didnt mind having all mine and my brothers friends over.... her house was spotless (still is).

3 kids  later and still have no clue how to be a mom like my mom was/is. 

So how does a mom, who has small kids, or kids varying in age, get everything done, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, and STILL have time to make those brownies for when her kids get home from school?
How does one learn to deal with it, and expand her patience?  How does one get OVER the fact that she doesnt really want a bunch of kids at her house and LET her kids be kids and enjoy having their friends over?

How How How How.....?
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